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Posts posted by Si-man

  1. I rode my bike for the first time in 4 months on Saturday in Morecambe.

    I didn't realise how much I had missed riding my bike because after about a month I sort of forgot about riding.

    Just go out on a ride to somewhere you have never been before, that usually makes me feel better and in the mood to ride :S

  2. What happened to that mod frame that they desgined? 

    Some bloke on here had one i saw a vid of him riding it!  It looked mint1

    Does anyone know if they are bringing that out as a production model?


    Tom  (Y)

    Edd Potts (dave85) has the leeson mod frame now.

    Looks abit nice and I want it :-

  3. I've just come out of a pot after 6 weeks, split one of ma knuckles down the centre (Y) .

    I thought that it was on a bit long for what I did but hey, it's fixed now :P

    Unlucky to hear about you Chris, you only just got that Pashley off Jay aswell.

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