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Posts posted by r2wtrials

  1. Did anyone go to the Dirtbike show this weekend? Danny Butler was doing Demo rides on Sunday..... the finish of which required him to hop from a stand onto the seat of a new Suzuki and then onto the desk. It needed two blokes to hold the bike steady as they have loads of suspension and fairly thick seat foam. But very impressive in such a small area that they presented him with.

    This is him as he left the seat of the suzuki, heading onto the sales desk.


  2. Can someone enlighten me as to the differences of the various cable discs out there. I keep getting told to dump my hope front brake and put an Avid BB7 on, but notice shimano etc cable brakes much cheaper... are they crap? Is the avid so much better, and why. Or could i use a shimano cable disc with the avid levers i have and make it much the same as a BB7?

    What experiences have you had with different cable discs? When i last rode about 4 years ago the cable discs were rubbish!!

    The reason for thinking cable instead of maggie is that i like to have both the same levers for feel, and no chance of dumping the fluid on a get-off... of which there will be many :D

  3. Thats the one... good mag. Draws on articles from france and spain as well so you get info on the top euro riders. I have had photos used in there on the motorcycle side of things.

    John is a top bloke and worth copying in on any events that may be around as he may well find space for it in future issues.

  4. probably preaching to the converted here but what the hell...

    The new issue Trials Magazine has just hit the newsagents. Although mainly motorcycle trials it also has several articles on Cycle trials. This month it has a feature on the UCI worlds at Fort william and an interview with Wayne Mahomet... and a poster of Fontenoy.

    Nice to see cycle stuff in print again...

    Are there any more magazines that feature the sport? (don't say mbuk, i meant good ones!!)

  5. This will also be handy for me and the OGC team (old gits collective)!! We are all starting from scratch and are doing this to get fit and learn techniques that will also help us in our main hobby of motorcycle trials...

    So as an added question to the one above... in order of importance, what techniques are the best to start with to enable section riding. We are all too old to do 10 foot drop-offs, our fragile old bones will give way!! :)

    sorry to hijack your thread...!

  6. There are other things to think of... do you want trials to be popular to the public or just keep it "in House". What i mean by that is would it be good for trials if the public could watch it without knowing anything about the sport.

    I am from the motorcycle trials side of things and what we do in club trials would be very boring to the public, but the indoor and urban trials are exciting for them. If someone asks what i do as i hobby and i say trials the only way for them to understand, if they are over 30, is to mention the tv program Kickstart. It was watched by millions who had no idea what trials actually was. OK so it wasn't "proper" trials but it created an interest and a lasting memory.

    I don't ride in many mototrials comps anymore because i prefer to go out and play, a group of 5 or 10 of us go to one of several practice grounds we have and just have a bloody good laugh... but if i want to watch trials i will go to a british championship, world round or an indoor. I observe at trials but wouldn't go to a club trial to watch. Bores me!!

    My favorite time for cycle trials, and remember i am an over 40 year old here, was the original stuff from the bike shows with the two martins and friends doing twin lane sections against each other. This was also popular in the usa at the time i seem to remember. Sections side by side, ridden against the clock and with time added on for each point lost. Was exciting and technical at the same time. People like Akrigg showed their true skills by being being able to ride accurately but also go for the iffy line if a little behind the other rider. Now that would be perfect for urban events, the public would love it and wouldn't need any knowledge of the sport. We could all still do our proper trials in the woods or up on the rocks but the sport would benefit from having an "out in the open" discipline. And that format would work well in something like the olympics... knock out rounds and a final.

    Just a thought!! :)

  7. .. if nothing else i can see where the riders that have come from cycle trials have moved the motorcycle trials world forward. There have always been a few riders that crossed over and did well but with Toni Bou you are now seeing biketrials techniques in the outdoor world championship as well as the indoors. If you haven't seen a clip try THIS ONE

    20 years ago a good local rider could enter the British round of the world mototrials championship and maybe score some points... perhaps even into the top 10. But now unless you are one of the top riders in each country you would be lucky to complete one section without a 5.

    It does seem that the frames are all identical at a quick glance of the cycle trials world now. But if something works and sells few companies are going to put out anything too radical. But it will change again at some point. Wait until the next rider comes along who does or rides something completely different and the copying will begin again.

  8. .. a quick thanks to all. You were right, the v set up is so much better than the Hope on the back. So good in fact that it makes the front disc feel shite!!!

    I got a pair of sd7 levers from Chain reaction for 15 quid and had some shimano diore cheapo arms laying around. Put a nice braided cable kit on and it is awesome even without special pads or a booster. The frame flexes a bit giving a slightly spongy feel so i will be after an Echo unless i get something cheap from ebay!!

    Now fancy a BB7 for the front so that i can keep the levers the same on both sides... anyone got a cheap one going :)

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