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that NBR dude

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Posts posted by that NBR dude

  1. I'd happily pay £10 if I knew all 'profits' were going to the Deej fund.


    Thanks Dave (Y)

    All the money, aside from the £500 is going towards DJ's Flower garden memorial, not into my pocket or anything. All trophies/obstacle rental/ect is coming out of my own pocket, so please do your little bit :D

    Also, Sue, I know its quite a treck down here, but it would be great if you could come along, and hope fully we can present you with a big novelty cheque or something near the end of the day. I'll talk to you on msn about it :D

  2. Ok, have been given to go ahead to do the comp, which will be on the 21st August in Fryers Field, West Moors. Those of you who attended the demo will know where that is.

    Just need to know some things from you guys:

    How much you are willing to pay - (poll)

    How many sections/laps you would like

    Is just 2 routes ok (Blue & Red) or would u like a white as well

    Im also looking towards companies to maybe display advertising in return for some items to raffle off, to make as much possible money for the DJ memorial fund.

    I also need to know provisional numbers as well, as I need to raise £500 for the rental of the land/insurance

    thanks a lot guys


  3. Aiming to arrive at about 12:30 ish, as I have my cars MOT in the morning.

    Hopefully it will pass, and maybe I can arrive in style :)" if not, then boring old mondeo it will be

  4. Sorry to keep contradicting poeple but again I have to disagree! All my frames cracked at welds, not through the tabs themselves.

    Thats what happened with my ES3. It didnt take the tab off, it stressed the entire back end, and the whole rear triangle came away

  5. You have been hit by the mini bug, I caught it too. No matter how much shit it gives me I love it!

    Hell yea!!!

    Spent most days out there swearing at it, when nothing comes apart, but at the end of the day, I dont care!!!

    They've got more character that almost any car on the road!

  6. These threads always seem to go down the "My car is more racey that yours (and so I'm more of a man than you)" route.

    Before, I would be able to agree with you, seeing as I used to drive a Mondeo estate. Not exactly sporty :blink:"

    But now I am guilty of the same crime....


    Oh well, still only an 1098cc so its not going to win any drag races or anything...

  7. hahahaha, send us a pic when its done andy (Y):):- its going to be funky!

    u gona be at the hampshire comps this year in it?

    well heres a quick update so far, after todays mad moment!! Spots, "go faster" stripes, Mountney Steering wheel, new 2.5" side exit exhaust. 12" Weller deep dish alloys to come.....


    Official member of the Bournemouth Mini Club.

    I should have this beast on the road in a week or so, so hopefully will be attending some hampshires in it. You going to the Beaulieu Mini day Nick? We could meet up half way and go in a little convoy of minis.

  8. where did you find that? they are the coolest cars ever and i hate cars!!!

    Found it in Adtrader, advertised for £650, with a new MOT, but as it failed the MOT just after the ad was placed, the guy said we could have it for £200.

    We decided even with all the work it needed, it was worth it, so bought it

  9. I got one of the first sets as steve asked me to test them, and I had the exact same problem with them.

    They had no lock or hold to them, and I couldnt even make it up stuff that I could do easily before.

    From what steve tells me, quite a lot of people have said similar things about the locking performance of them.

  10. Not as good as your others, not riding wise, but editing wise. Still good none the less :-

    Yea I didnt realy have the motivation to do it really. It will probably be the last one I make so.

  11. Yeah the Titanium frames Raleigh had made for him are rather tasty. My mate owns two out of the 3 Ian had. Ian Cooper was a pretty f-ucking good rider at one point.

    I'm Sure Phill Willams can tell us more.

    Luke, I used to have one of them!

    You dont happen to have my old one do you......

    I sold it for 50 quid years ago, not really knowing what it was

  12. NBR 14 is now up and ready to go...


    Vid features Nick's Hop Idol Final run, clips from Sundays Hampshire fun day, and some other stuff.

    Music is:

    American Hi-Fi - Beautiful Disaster

    Mad Caddies - The Gentlemen


  13. I've got really stuck on this one.

    Can anyone help?

    It says the bottles already contain the apples, and there is enough space to fit in another one....

    However, you cant fit an apple through a bottle neck, so you cant put any apples in the bottles.

    and yes I am very sad that I sat and thought about that for ages!

  14. my crank is rounded, what can I do about it (bodge/warrenty)?

    Middleburn do not warrenty the Pedal threads, or the tapers. I tried that, and basically, they said no. Had to fight very hard to get the cheap crash replacement.

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