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Posts posted by rider_01

  1. over the years iv noticed my upper legs have become a lot bigger and firmer

    also my forarms are a lot more "ripped" the muscle is more noticable but i also do weights to keep the muscle in my upper body and back stronger

    but to answer the question in my opinion i think you need a good balance of streight but not over worked because were as the more musclier rider like myself has that extra weight factor were as the less muclier rider has less weight but not as much strengh so i think you have to find a nice balance between the two

    hope this helps


  2. yoo!!

    its that time again boys and girls!!!

    southport ride, meet at the station at half 10, 11 o'clock on saterday the 3rd of november

    last ride we went on it was a top ride and if you didnt make it last time you need to be there this time

    same again add to msn if intrested or post in here



  3. myyy god neill thats stupid!!!

    byy far the best video i have seen in ages if not the best iv seen over all

    and i wish the all the police was like that i actualy got my bike taken off me the other night lmao

    stonker of a vid

    keep them comin :P


  4. I made one the other day, It's all titanium even the nuts,bolts and washers are :D. The jockey wheel's carbon fibre




    I could probably do with taking a link out of my chain now.

    in favour of jim i have to say that the tensioner is the bizz works a treat and also looks the part

    i had a go of his bike and there is no chain slack what so ever

    top job jim (Y)


  5. Looks great Sean, rides good too. Take a grinder to that back wheel though. You know it makes sense!! :D

    ohh i might just have too :P

    looks alright, back wheel looking good, in the pic it looks like the spokes are white. lol are they?


    no there silver its just the sun

    and im going to get some new forks soon when i have the money probs some zoo forks because i really like the straight fork look

  6. absolute hell ride

    everything was brill (apart from mersyrail)

    was the first ride on my new bike and i loved it, cant wait for then next one (Y)

    cheers for a brill day boys!!!



    Sorry, I ended up collapsing asleep, I didn't even want to, I don't even know how, i'm sure I was standing up, then I woke up hours later. If anyone is up for riding early evenings in the week, I can do that.

    best be there next time boyo lol

    really missed out on a great day!!


  7. So i didn't get my new F&F cos of the gay post strike thing. :angry:

    Do I come on my (10 year) old rig, or wait till next time when i have a bike that is worthy of riding! (not that I'm good btw lol)

    Dunno if i can be bothered, i was so stoked to be getting a new frame etc, and the old one is an xc frame that i've been using for trials.

    I just can't decide if i fancy meeting people who have bikes they can do stuff on!! LOL


    mehh even if you cant ride you can get to kno us for next time and its a day out

    and if your ok with riding the bike you have then why not first time i met jimbo i had a diamondback t20 :P how cool did i look lmao

    just come dont be a boree lol

    see you all tomoz !!!!!


  8. because of the way trains work down here ill either be there really early or really lait, ill be there about... quarter past - half past 10

    Rider 01 what time are you getting there for and how. If your getting the train do you change in liverpool the get the merseyrail electric to southport? And Ollie get here for abouts 930-10 am.

    lol its sean we'v rode before i came riding once lol i had the onza t-mag

    and no i cross at huntscross then about 50 odd stations away from southport so it takes about 45 mins

  9. I Might pop along for a mooch about, Havn't been to Southport for ages, but I know they have taken away all the rocks around the car park :(.

    the rocks re still there as far as i kno :P i was there last weekend watching fireworks lmao :P

    cant wait for this one

    cya all soon (Y)

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