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About BrickTop

  • Birthday 06/29/1990

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  • Quick Spec
    BT Raven 6.0 | zoo! fork & cranks | echo comp. | bb7

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  • Location
    Russia, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk

BrickTop's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I saw many maguras which were broken because of a deng lever, and nothiing for denguras.
  2. It's better to buy Dengura :^)
  3. Tensile: TRY ALL: I use Eno Trials. Best freewheel ever.
  4. Well, I think it was defect. Melnik was riding zoo 05 cranks for a short time, they've died. Then TRY ALL cranks, they seemed to be ok. After - Tensile. And now TRY ALL again. :^) ps in Russia, it is difficult to get Middleburns.
  5. Our city champion, Melnik, did it! Not me! %)
  6. Hi! Look at these cranks! 1 mounth of life! And then - boom! :^) Thanks to Melnik for a good job!
  7. Tensile is really good, in my opinion there is no differences with Eno Trials. Except the price :^)
  8. KoT ms2 frame. After it was weld for about 10 times, it completely died. :^) Melnik ( nick ) is a real monster!
  9. Hi! Here are some fotos of our guys riding on 18.11.06. Bad weather doesn't give us much time to ride and it is very hard to find a placing. Still we had one several days ago :^)
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