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Posts posted by dan_barnett

  1. firstly ill just say i used the search and only one came up (that i saw) but the pictures were out of date (hosting site closed the picture) so i thought i'd have a go at making my own guide for you guys here it goes....

    firstly you should fill the bath up (or container)

    you then get your brake off your bike so you should have...

    IPB Image

    magura step 1

    you should then loosen/fully take off the bolts there should be 3 in total...

    IPB Image

    magura step 2

    IPB Image

    magura step 3

    then place all of the components in the bath whilst given each 1 a little shake making sure all the air bubbles are out. you should let them settle to make sure...

    IPB Image

    magura step 4

    then reassemble all of the parts making sure you keep them under water and make sure you tighten them up securely you brake should then be complete...

    IPB Image

    magura step 5

    and then it'll be ready to go on your bike...

    IPB Image

    magura step 6

    ... and will work and feel lovely (Y)

  2. Hello

    Guys And Girls

    I Am New To The Forum My Name Is Danny Johnson I Am 15 Years Old. I Have Been Riding Trials For About A Year Now .I Ride a Monty 221 Ti (06) I love It To Bits.I Hope I get On With You Peoples In The Future.Hope I Haven't Bored You's To Death.

    Danny (Y)

  3. perhaps he does everything on the front wheel instead of the rear lol

    sorry if the spelling is bad but the spell checker won't work.


    maybe true lol

    howay people i would appriceiate it it u can leave a comment please

    dan (Y)

  4. hia mate

    if i were you i would get a control they are realy nice to ride and look mint . anyways if you are buying a second hand frame when u get it i would check for cracks ,trust me mate !I got a t-pro frame of my mates mate and built it up and went out on it and i was messin around doin some curb shizzle and i head a craking sound and my bike was falling apart lol



  5. hello

    i went to the tyke today and most of the others this year and i would like to put a BIG BIG THANKS to babra from cleanbikes and the rest who set up the tykes for us all who got to them so if you could leave a thanks if you go to them i'm sure they would appreciate it (Y)

    danny barnett

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