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Urban legend.

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Posts posted by Urban legend.

  1. Booster's aren't too look cool there too stop frame flex and hopefully improve braking.

    People riding without them either cant fit them on or have 'Integrated Boosters' which are extra bits welded to do the same job.[Or just don't like running a booster :lol:]

    Don't take it off as it may mess your brake about and feel spongy.


  2. Scott Wilson likes Steve Wrights bum.[His favourite male porn star]

    That spot was good and i didn't!!

    i actually ride the rocks for a bit and was rather fun.


    Back to the topic, bikes nuts!!!!

  3. I wouldn't exactly say its 'Wrong'.

    I mean its fair enough people not wanting to be nearly runover by hooligans riding down the streets while there doing there ever so important shopping, however would they rather us ride our bikes and keep out the way or go arround robbing old ladies and smashing windows etc..

    At least 'we' as riders arent robbing people for fun and braking things in the streets doesn't really happen that often its just the occasional time it does happen that the fuzz do you for it!!


  4. Haha About 90% of the posts up are to tell other people not to make pointless posts! WTF!!!

    Just tell the boy yes you can and leave it.

    And also there are about 50 million topics on bleeding brakes and so on.

    Just search it up.


    Joe Maher for Prime Minister haha :rolleyes:

  5. Hang on a min then big head, Lets have a look at your ride, Lets see how "wank" yours is.

    You may absolutly gut me by having a very nice bike but by the sounds of things your are just some pikey chav.


    I love people like this ^.^.

    Well put (Y)

    The 06 mad urban is a well specced bike for a beginner.

    When you get a bit better you might find the geo a bit poor but to start you got a good bike (Y)

    Craig. :)

  6. Yeaaah i generally listen to music when i ride natural.

    Normally because im on my own (N)

    Usually consists of:

    Flowing hip hop such as;

    Dilated peoples,

    Jurassic 5,


    Or pumped rock;

    Old papa roach stuff,

    Linkin park,

    In flames,


    Or some drum 'n' bass.[Not with the 100mph talkin people just beats]

    Such as;

    Dj shadow

    Some dj hype stuff,

    And fabio and grooverider (Y)


    But when riding street i listen to the nagging of the people i ride with.


  7. In the summer i'd reccommend 3 quater lengths or shorts but in the winter some tracksuit bottoms.

    Maybe even some cargos.

    To be honest in this day and age of 'The Chav' you may think there ''uncool'' or whatever but traccies' are really loose and feel great to ride in.Easy to move about in and when you need to eject you can move your legs freely and dont get caught up on your tight jeans.

    But i mean you should ride whatever your comfortable in.

    Trials specific clothing doesnt really exsist to be fair.

    Craig. (Y)

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