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Blacklisted Trader
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Posts posted by harmertrials

  1. I may consider going to the same car park if I can find a mate to split costs on. Should add to £15-20 each with fuel and parking, not bad imo!

    Not looking forward to driving into central though.

    Sam I think it's generous of ozonys to make this event to be honest, seems like they've put a bit of effort into it with the posters, riding map and all. I'd be happy to give them money just for that haha since I've never ridden London it's massively helpful.

    I'll do my best to join you, haven't ridden London in years.

    It's actually surprisingly easy to drive into central, you pretty much stay on 1 road and sit in traffic.

    • Like 2
  2. So this is a bit of a cheeky one really...

    I'm selling bestival tickets. If I manage to sell 8 I get a free one, and being skint that's a nice way to go.

    They're the full adult weekend tickets, priced at £200 (£11.50 cheaper than anywhere else, no booking fees etc).

    If anyone is interested drop me a message, and if you know anyone who may also be interested that'd be great.

    Thanks guys.

  3. Sorry Trials-Forum, but I needed somewhere to release my anger.

    It was a standard Saturday morning; at least that's what I thought. I woke up to the depressing sound of my alarm, which I managed to snooze four times.

    Already late for work, I swiftly got out of bed and scrabbled to the bathroom; being extra careful not to wake the wife up, to my despair I realised I was out of toothpaste.

    I quickly got dressed to go to the shop to grab a tube of pearl drops. As I walked down my path to the street where my car is parked I noticed my front near side tyre was down.

    I got out the car lighter air compressor and began to inflate the tyre, not realising how much noise I was making. I finally got the tyre inflated, and drove down to the supermarket. I grabbed a tube of toothpaste and made a swift exit after paying of course. As I got bad to the house I unlocked the front door to me greeted by the Mrs, with a face like thunder, she then went on to give me an earful of how much of an inconsiderate ar*ehole I am for waking her up after she had been on a night shift, I ran up to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then made a dash to downstairs and out of the door, apologizing to Sue on the way out.

    Without time for breakfast or a cuppa I set off for my drive to work. 45 minutes into my journey down the A1 I found myself stuck behind a guy in an brand new Audi A6 who was hogging the middle lane, I flashed him to move out of the way as he was driving at 60MPH on a 70 road, yet he carried on in the middle lane. I spied a break in the traffic and pulled into the right hand lane for the over take, as I got beside him, I was confronted my the fattest bloke I've ever had the pleasure to set eyes on, he then turned to face me and made an inappropriate hand gesture before flooring it. I pulled back into the middle lane and the Audi slowed back down to 60MPH and proceeded to brake check me . I don't cope well in situations like this. All my anger boiled up so I tail gated him and then down shifted and when for the overtake once again. As I got beside him, the d*ckhead floored it again so I pulled back into the middle lane and he had slowed down to 60MPH. This kept happening for 15 Miles until exited onto the M18 to my delight!

    Anyway I managed to get to work only 15 minutes late and the rest of the day went considerably well until I got back home.

    I walked through the front door and into the living room, and turned on my laptop to submit my work. To my disbelief the laptop wouldn't turn on. I took the laptop to a computer shop to get looked at, where he told me it was time for a new one! Anyway I managed to borrow a laptop from my nephew and started to submit my work, as I got to the last load of information to submit the software crashed and had to do the lot all over again!

    My day was bad!

    This account is so clearly Brad Johnson.

  4. Talk to her about this before becomes an issue!

    I have a feeling I wont need to in a week or so. She works a lot and doesn't actually have that much spare time, so when she does she's always with mates or seeing me.

    I've had a tonne of spare time over the last couple of months, all I really have planned on a daily basis is jobhunting.

    However I think that may be coming to a head now, as well as moving in with my mate tomorrow. I know I'll have a lot more going on so wont be there waiting for her to be free if that makes any sense.

    Basically I think me being busier will make things better all round. I hate having nothing to do.

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