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Posts posted by shansen

  1. hi. i am looking to get some foam grips for my bike as i don't ride with gloves.

    i am worried about buying a pair and having them rip after a week.... is that going to happen no matter what or are some more reliable then others?

    i'm also not too keep on fat grips....

    what you guys think?


    Seb B)

  2. As some of us are of school and college now.. is any one up for riding London this thursday?

    me and some of my mates are going... theres about five of us so far... i know its short notice but if any one wants to come along they are welcome to.

    We should be around waterloo at bout 11 o'clock ^_^



  3. I know how it feels!!! I dont truely believe in what i wrote! you have seen my vid 'lewispromo' me on the ashton, thats not all original. i love sidehops and gaps as you can see in the video. think your riding is ace, peace? :-

    any chance of sending a link of tht vid.... i havent seen it :P



  4. due to work i can't ride out side my local spots which are getting boring.

    so iv booked ma b-day off at work and i'm wondering if anyone would be up for coming to bristol for a ride hopefuly all my mates are coming to so it should be a good laugh.

    or if you dont wan ride bristol, please gave me other idea's of close by places we can ride.


    is tht on a weekend?


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