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Matt Staples

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Posts posted by Matt Staples

  1. dont worry, its obviously too ard to explain through text, tell the truith, i cant actually rember what i needed to know now anyway?? altho i think andy has pritty much answerd my origional question...




    ok, ok

    *puts down knief*

  2. Rite, not the same bit i was previously talking about, but this clip has the same 2 ideas im trying to achive...

    have you still got your teaser vid ?? BT bikes one??

    if so, play it, its the clip 16 seconds in and the one directly after .. 26 seconds in...


    I know what you mean, but wtf are you asking

  3. ?? Confused!  i see you do similar in london, there was a rail, bout just under 4ft, and you rode up to it then just jumped into an endo ontop of it. in neil tunnicliffe's zoo 26 video, he is gapping to rails and landing them front wheel 1st....


    what you talkin bout dawg ?

  4. Sorry to go off topic. But I was wondering how to the basic of just gapping to the front wheel without switching. As I am confused (Y)

    Any help?


    Just try to take off flying with momentum and confidence forwards aiming your front wheel just over the edge. Then either hold onto the brake if you think you need to, in order to pull the back wheel onto whatever object. If its not needed though, you'll be suprised how much better/easier it is to gap to front without using the front brake. The important part to get right is the leaning back and push the bike forward as you land, if your landing brakeless.

  5. Try to be quick as possible when you switch. Also try to forget completely about the switch, and concentrate on hitting it straight and confidently, then with enough practice you'll be able to do it higher because the actually switch to back is done quickly and without thinking about it.

  6. This IS Matt, and I hate Nick the bear so much.


    I don't remember actually trying to dent my downtube, I did however wack it on a rail to show Adam (ad101) how totally dent restistant the downtube is... but meh.

    I have alot of faith in it, honestly.

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