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ZOO! 2007

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Everything posted by ZOO! 2007

  1. I ride XTR lol they are brilliant because very parralel! AVID are also good it just cos i get all my parts at trade price
  2. Nice bike buddy how much dough did you pay for it ?
  3. if it is the bottom bracket i would send it back to them and explain and they should replace if it still under warranty! or you can try your hardest to fix it but it might be tricky or impossible! the axles tend to be waterproof and dustproof but there still could be a thread in there !
  4. well take you chain off and give that a clean and put some lube oil such as prolink, take you freewheel off and spin it as if it was on a bike too see if its that that = if not you chain or freewheel it got to be your bottom bracket mate, where did you buy it from ?
  5. could just be a single thread lodged in the axle best thing to do is take your crank off, spray a bit of penetrant down the axle (preferably with a this straw) then work the axle with you fingers to see if it still stiff or not!
  6. it really depend mate did you find a chunk gone out of your jeans or just teeth marks? theres every possibilitie lol
  7. the problem could be that your not tightening it on enough you should invest in a torque wrench therefore, you will be able to give it all the Nm (NEWTON METERS) it need! or if you want you could try the lock tite
  8. this is very unlikely and no one dought me on this one but if there is cotton stuck on the axle of your bottom bracket then it could of worked its way into the axle therefore its stiff! just strip you freewheel crank and your bottom bracket just to be on the safeside! if you need anyhelp on how to do that then please add me on msn @ wraps_bds@hotmail.co.uk (because i am a qualified bike mechanic and i will be able to advise you) thanks carl
  9. ....or if you cant be bothered to do all that just take a spare tube but i always fix mine but all my mates just take a spare tube lol p.s nice guide mate
  10. dont see why not, the only thing that will break is the hub!
  11. you say when you pedal backwards you can here gritty sort of noise, it could well be the cup and cones in the hub mate they might need replacing but it works out cheaper to buy a new hub if it just a deore! thanks
  12. they very good mate just like the carbon lever i had on my magura julie! feels nice to pull on! the dangerboy lever is good aswell mate
  13. Nice present mate you did well at crimbo and the set up is alrite no need to touch that unless needed mate
  14. i would leave the crossover if you are going to change to braided! plus i wouldnt even change to braided on a trials bike because there is no need!
  15. I work in a Bike Shop and thats how we get them on there it works wonders cos they never slip with hairspray!
  16. ECHO rims are amazingly good for the money, even though most rims are drilled these days echo ive never had a problem with!
  17. Hope Mini cos the new 2007 is sweet and the technologie of Hope are so better than Avid
  18. or if youve got a real good budjet you can buy my FOX TERRALOGICS off me they in very good condition only used about 3 time and that just commuting to work and back! £350 o.n.o if you need to contact me on them then please add me on msn: wraps_bds@hotmail.co.uk Carl
  19. lol some pretty good rocks at elvo castle especialy on the mud mound and more from near derby ?
  20. there is a ebayer selling some and he is really reliable and is good stuff! only cost couple of quid aswell, it worth it !
  21. Is there any trials riders from Derby on here? if so then please reply cos i probably the only one lol! and has anybody rode Elvaston Castle? Wraps
  22. if your going to do drop dont go no higher than 10ft because it could mess you and your bike up if it goes wrong! ohh and dont think you wont mess up while doing it cos i went to watch ot pi and cesar canas and even they went over the bars while doing a 8ft drop off ! and mine is about 9 feet
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