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Posts posted by sam-cahill

  1. Ive never been given abuse on my bike the only thing realy is if im on the street and on a wall the owners of the wall tell me to get off whch is fair.Normally people are nice to me likethey say well done your not bad on that and then theres the usuall with old people asking why you havent got a seat or why are your tyres so wide but no never abuse even the chavs dont say anything.


  2. Hi just a few pics (sorry if some are abit blurry) from a ride tonight dont really ride street so the riding might be a bit bad but oh well and also i did a topic on side hopping and tips for it thanks to every one who posted in it you were a great help i can side hop with out much difficulty.






  3. Just testing


    Well that didnt work



    Ok i can get it as a link sort of thing but i cant get it so it is on the screen straight away i have tried that %7Boption%7D but it doesnt work can someone please go threw it again.Sorry for the hassle.


  4. Were you at the Bradford trial today, look in the "riding pictures" section theres some pictures from today in there.

    Also if you did go I was the lad on sherco with the marshal bib on.

    Matt Rushton

    No i wasnt at the trial but im at the yeadon and guisley one in a couple of weeks time were you at addingham this sat if you were i probaly sore you and how old are you?. These are just some pics i found of me and my bike.





  5. I ride a 125 07 sherco

    I ride loads of different routed hopefully riding that 3 day event in derbyshire and some yorkshire centre routes

    I practise at addingham trials heaven i am there every sunday

    Just another question to ask everybody what clubs are you members of???????

    I am a member of yeadon and guisley,horsforth,bradford and inverness


  6. hey,

    this is an essay for school i have done all the essay but all i need is an subtitle for trials because the whole article is about some1 who took his helmet off for 10 seconds hopped off a curb and cracked his skull and died so can some1 think of a really good subtitle thanks

    Just out of interest is that true if it is im never taking my helmet off again.

  7. Hi i had the same problem but with magurs martas.What it was with mine is that i had banged the disk and bent it very slightly so every time the tyre turned the disk hit the pad and squeked.Dont realy no how you can fix it but the aesist thing to do will be buy a new disk.


  8. Hey,

    my worst bail is when i tried hoping onto somthing double th size of me but i didnt get half way, as i landed the crates snapped i was falling back wards so i jumped off and landed on my back, a better landing thank if i would of stayed on my bike :D

    How tall are you????????

  9. Apparently Ot Pi's dad made the first pedal Trials bike out of a BMX..... (Y)

    Not sure about motorcycle trials though...

    Anyone know?

    (Y) Joe

    Yep i read that on the monty website.Apparantly ot pi's dad work for montessa trials and ot pi wasnt realy into the motorbike trials so asked his dad if he could have a peddle one so ot pi's dad looked around but found that they didnt make them so he turned ot pi's bmx into one with a bashplate and stuff on it.Then one day when they were watching a motorbike trials comp ot pi went on this bike that his dad had made and all the children there loved it and wanted one so thats were ot pi's dad fort of making loads of them.So ot pi's dad went to the boss of montessa and asked if they could start making them the boss sead yes but he had to design and find workers and stuff like that.They called them the mini montessa.

  10. I had the same problem i just couldnt hop forward.But now i have got the hang of it i dont realy no how i learnt all i no is try and kick the peddle at the same time a you let your brake out and allso some of my mates are learning how to do it and when im watching them there moving there body up and down as fast as they can so once your on the back tyre try not to panic and move your body realy quikly just take your time.I bet every body tells you this but it is just practise the more practise you do the sooner you will do it good luck.


  11. Yh the creepy crawlers are good and i no a mate that has just got some from tarty bikes and is very happy with them.I run the monty ones and think they are amazingley grippy so i would go for them but if you dont ride a monty and dont want any monty things on it go for the creepy crawlers.


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