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Everything posted by t-liteboy

  1. hi i was just wondering how much a shop magura hs33 bleed is because im sh*t at bleeding so please tell me. cheers jake
  2. very good i made 200 pound the other week.
  3. ok well i dont care ither second hand or brand new.
  4. hi what free wheel cranks would you advice me to get around 50 pound.
  5. iv asked him to see if its chord it said:- hi is this stolen because it looks like my mates but it deosent look lik meats lol.
  6. yes well done to him i think i did that because i can gap hop now yey. cheers jake
  7. cool site mate i like you riding pictures cool. cheers jake
  8. hi mate i think it will because my mate had just a 20'' frame but he put a 19'' on it and he ran a vee brake and all he to do was move the pads right down, then he put a maggy on and just moved thatright down so hope this helps. cheers jake
  9. hi sometimes people realy like our bike and call us wan*** and stuff like that it proberbly because there jelus about you having a realy nice trials bike. cheers jake
  10. hi mat in newark were a lot of people ride, there lods of places and there like there round the corner and we ride where wver it takes our interest. cheers jake
  11. hi there, i was wondering what the stages are to bleeding with water in a bucket and how i get it perfect. how do i add anti freeze please coment and give me you edvise to a perfect bleed. cheers jake
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