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Posts posted by Hendrix

  1. needs a new battery dude, my gf has the same problem ..she says it needs a new battery each year

    You don't need a new one each year, you just have to respect that it needs decent charging cycles. Like a laptop battery really..

    I let mine run till it almost turns off once a week, then I let it do a full recharge overnight. That way it gets use to using [_______] that much of its battery and not [____|__] that much.

  2. My dad told me a story ages ago about when he was out jogging, decided to cut through the church grounds via the graveyard. It was a hot summers evening but all of a sudden it went ice cold and the sweat froze on him. He stopped dead and he said it was like ice till he moved from this spot, then it was a summers evening again. I believe in ghosts very much, hell my amp moving across the room downstairs when everyone was asleep was enough to convince me.

  3. Recorded this earlier as a tribute to the recently deceased Gary Moore, not 'my' music, but sorta showcases 'me'? haha.

    That's a remix I did a long time ago, it's my production all over.

    Finally, this is written by me so it's.. my songwriting! :)

    Sorry if it's, erm, pop.

  4. The social network is awesome. Loved it. Just makes me wish I had that idea and not him :P

    +1. Good movie, funny in places, serious in others! :)

    DON'T watch 'Monsters', it's crap. However.. Tron looks f**king amazing, anyone else thinking this?

  5. Hey,

    Basically had this site running for a few months now, and finally I'm getting on top of my online distribution and publicising. It's not the best site in the world but, I designed it myself, 90% of content is 100% mine and if you see any major flaws (apart from the crap music? ha) give me a shout? :)


    Got some new demos going up soon (post 11th December), so maybe keep your eye out? :lol:

  6. No chance so far dude, manager would go ape if I let the wavs out before the track was finished. :giggle:

    I'll give you a shout when we start looking into distribution, might be able to stick you on the single release?

    Cheers for the questions answered so far too guys, really appreciated!

  7. For my final piece of coursework this term at uni I have to have asked the public about certain aspects of my music and my business. Seeing as a lot of people come through the forum day to day I was wondering if you could help..

    If any of you could give simple answers to the question it'd be amazing, and you'll get full accreditation in my final piece of work if you so wish! :)


    1) Which track do you prefer?

    This one?


    This one?

    2) Why do you prefer the one you've chosen?


    3) Would you consider purchasing music like the one you have chosen in the future?



    4) How do you see the 'Motown' sound in current day music? Very used or not very used? (e.g. artists - Amy Winehouse & Mark Ronson)

    If you could answer any of the above, it'd be brilliant. As stated above, if you want accreditation in my piece of work I'm more than happy to! :)

    (Sorry for the 'rushed' look of this by the way, trying to get as much research done in a night as possible ha!)

    By the way, I've just noticed that the two sections are completely different genres, they're going for two different research reports. :)

  8. Lmao love you, think if you ring o2 or whoever your with they'll sort it, police won't do f**kall

    O2 cannot and won't do anything as they can't block phone numbers willy nilly. Trust me, I've been there. The police are pretty much the only people with the authority to do anything, if they can be arsed to..

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