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About deenjay

  • Birthday 08/16/1960

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    David Jefferson
  • Bike Ridden

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  • Location
    Bath UK

deenjay's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. personally i think its great all this bike stuff back when i was a teen all we had was raleigh choppers, so im actually in awe of the way bikes have advanced, and it shows that not all youngsters sit infront of the tv as they are portrayed but actually get out and have a fun life. GOOD FOR YOU GUYS
  2. if stock bikes were so good why would any one make mods just think about that.
  3. to be honest the ty is more a show bike as its 100 percent factory condition and very rare. but the other ty is going to be used thats why i made it a little more usable. nice kl they were a bit heavy for serious off road but reliable and fun for green laning, i had a dt 250 mx in the late 70s which was better on road than off but it looked the part. the trials bike i use is actually a 125 bultaco sherpa not for competitions but i live in the country and i take it into our local woods and it can climb almost anything. and its 27 yrs old as well. but still fun with a capitol F
  4. that one not so fast only about 35mph, but ive another in the workshop that is running a 80cc kit, with bigger carb and exhaust. different reeds and a smaller sprocket set. should if im lucky hit 70 mph. it should surprise a few people
  5. perfectly right the end came as fantic started making 50cc mopeds that could do over 60mph that is when the restrictions came in, this one does about 45, but its not about speed its about being what i wanted when i was 16, but i didnt have the 300 pounds to buy one new then so had to buy a different moped.
  6. the pedals were only fitted to comply to UK law you could push it faster than pedal it mind you at nearly 80 mpg if you ran out of petrol you should be shot.
  7. im happy to say im the proud owner of a yamaha ty50p ok to some of you that might not mean a lot but back in the 70s i wanted one now i have a restored one. its a pedal assisted trials bike ( Moped )but not a restricted one its 30 yrs old and is as good as when it left the factory
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