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Everything posted by Beaker™

  1. I built it from scratch around 10yrs ago now. Been keeping an eye out for it ever since i sold it about 5yrs ago now. As you lot are in to bikes i'm wondering if any of you have ever came across it?
  2. The T-Pro is an excellent bike. But do get an uprated front sprocket while your there because it WILL go, quickly. Other than that, you can't go wrong
  3. Would you spend £5.00 on a biketrials DVD? Yes What is our favourite trials style, Street(normal riding around town), natural, Urban(e.g Matt Berridge, John Shrewsbury)? Street Who are your favourite UK riders? Martyn Ashton & Martin Hawyes (Thats who got me in to riding) How old are you? 26 Do you prefer your favourite songs on a biketrials video or a simple well made track which fits with the video? Track That Fits Do you want the video to have different sections from different rides/events. Yes Do you like seeing different riders and new places/section, or the same old big gaps as you can appreciate how big they are( eg St.Pauls gap in london and most big riding spots) Yes (Different Places) Do you prefer a video which sets the scene and has some nice shots and some experimental parts rather than just all riding? Good Balance Of Both
  4. May well be mine, in a moment of pure insanity i swapped it with a guy for a bmx that wasnt even worth a 1/3 of the Azonic. Really wish i could track it down again, i'd buy it back in a snap! Only other pics i have of it..... Will have a look, cheers.
  5. Any idea where i can get another like it? No, its just for messing about on. Got a 20" mod trials bike. Anyways, 'back in the day' i used to ride trials on an Azonic DS1 with susp forks and i was offered local sponsership. If i stuck a smaller chainring on it you'd surprised at whats possible on a bike that size. Just takes practice. This was back in 1996. Only pics i have of 10yrs worth of riding as we didnt have cameras back then!
  6. Yeah definatley Chainspotting! Must be showing my age!
  7. Bought this bike off ebay a while back to get back into riding a 26". Anyway, it rides really nicely and i'm after another frame the same for my next build. The original seller has no idea either. Any ideas? Would also be handy to know for if/when i have to replace the rear mech hanger.
  8. Anyone know the exact remix of GARBAGE - MILK that was used in Chainspotting? I've tried the following remixes but none of them match; MASSIVE ATTACK TRANCE MIX MASSIVE ATTACK CLASSIC REMIX WICKED REMIX FEAT TRICKY THE UDDER REMIX by RABBIT IN THE MOON SIREN REMIX Its rumoured that the remix was by WHITZY?? But i can't find any trace of any remix under that name. Any info would be greatly appreciated
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