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Posts posted by pengsmelly

  1. my view of it is if trials never changed, it would be boring. TGS means tap gap and side hop, when doe sit matter what geo a bike is? people ride what bike they want to ride and are comfortable with, as well as riding what ever spots they enjoy. :)

    I used to have quite a long lowish bike, and now gone short with high bb just because it's different, and i

    I know prefer it so much!

  2. Well after a lot of waiting and some personal adjustments to the frame, my Speedrace is finally up and running :)

    It is by far the nicest mod I have ever ridden, and it certainly didn't take me too long to adapt to the GEO.

    I am yet to weigh the bike, but i will do it when at work tomorrow :)

    Geo - +90BB 1000WB

    Spec- "for anyone who wants to know"

    Wheels - Rear Rockman BUB hub on a Rockman rim

    - Front Echo SL on try-all rim, Radial build.

    Frame - Speedrace solo 2 (last prototype)

    Cranks - Echo cnc with echo freewheel

    Forks - Echo Urbans with reverse vee :)

    Bars + stem - Speedrace carbon topgun bars, with onza t-master stem

    Sorry for bad quality photo's :/


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    Comment away...

  3. Ha-ha. I'm very much chilled ma-te. Of course riding bikes is about having fun, i'm very much aware of that and certainly have a lot of fun riding them, but yeah, surprisingly it seems i actually do take theft off other riders quite seriously.....crazy i know!

    Just dont stop do you. haha I wasn't interested in the theft or what he did as i said. ha

    • Like 2
  4. A forum is a place of discussion, that's what it's for. It's open to debate and a certain level of back and forth. Also the general context of life doesn't diminish purely because the form of communication being used is non-verbal.

    My reaction on viewing Jack's bike was "wonder who he's nicked this off the idiot", so i gave a reply along those lines.

    Quite clearly it was more than one paragraph.

    And clearly you take everthing very seriously. haha The forum is all about trials, which most of us just consider as a hobbie and bit of fun, just chill mate haha.

  5. Actually sweets, you're very much wrong there. That's not how the world works at all. An opinion is equally valid whether positive or negative as long as it's justified. So as long as i feel i want to give my opinion, i shall continue to do so. Perhaps if you really thought about it, you'd realise that you're the one that needs to grow up and think about how things really operate.

    My problem with him is that he stole of a little kid who helped him out, then took great pleasure in this kid's misery. During attempts to contact him Jack was arrogant, ignorant in attitude and was celebratory in his theft. I think this is a disgusting trait and i don't think he should be allowed on this forum.

    Someone who takes pleasure in other riders misfortune is not someone who should be welcomed or is of any worth to the trials community, so i'd rather we didn't hear from him - so i couldn't care what the little shit's bike looks like as if Jack has remained true to form then i dare say many parts on the bike are swiped from other kids bikes.

    My point is still correct, as i was talknig about the forum not the whole world. haha Can't believe you actually wrote a whole paragraph on this. I was just commenting to say take it else where haha

    • Like 1
  6. Be much nicer with a Magura up front.

    Surely it wouldn't be too much bother for you to nick one again...?

    No one cares about your bike.... go and ride alone.

    P.S. Your couch is at a stupid angle and the magnolia wooden paneled walls are very out-dated. Yeah, that's right - i am going to criticise the interior of your home.

    Now adays, if you haven't got anything nice to say so someone, just don't bother saying anything. Dont have a clue what you have against him, or what he has done wrong, but this isn't a place to abuse. Grow up.

    Anyway... good move going raw! I like it :) that was my next step with my ice, but decided to invest in new frame :P

    • Like 2
  7. Most of the time it will have nothing to do with the quality of the spoke. It is usually if the wheel wasn't build brilliantly, and the spokes were tensioned too much to begin with. OR just if they wheel is old and the spokes have had quite a bit of stress of time.

    I have once used really basic spokes on a try-all front wheel I built, and never had problems from 1 year I rode it, even now my mates running it still to this day its fine.

  8. Well thought I would make a finally video with the clips I had on my ice.

    Will be riding a New Speedrace solo 2 2011 frame very soooooon :)

    Would really appriciate feedback on the riding and editing of the video good + bad :)

    Track : Emalkay - Transpose

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