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Posts posted by -RoBBo-

  1. I hate 6th form too. Well, I actually like the social plusses of it, like being with mates all the time, which you wouldnt get if you quit or moved. Only downside is the amount of work, but i've realised i need A levels to even think about getting anywhere half decent when i'm older. So just trying to stick with it i suppose and think long-term. Who know's, you might get lucky and think of an invention when your living in your 1 bedroom flat minus a bed because you can't afford one, and become filthy rich (Y)

  2. They have black radio stations...black music awards (mobos) and loads of other things. Why is it we dont have white equivalants? How come black people can get away with black stuff, but white can't get away with 'white' stuff. :) beats me. I think the government is too afraid to make things equal, as i think at this moment in time, black people have it better off. e.g. all the paki's around here file for racism if they get arrested :) oh it just does my head in.

  3. Just recently, problems such as my computer randomly shutting down and not starting up for a while have been happening...and also things like random programs on my computer not opening at all, even when trying several different methods. I have carried out virus checks with serveral programs, and the same for spyware etc... and as yet, cannot find anything.

    Could anybody give me any advice what to look for, or an insight as to what the problem could be? (the P.C is fairly new too)

    Thanks alot, Matt (Y)

  4. I'm 17 and i serve behind a bar :P i didn't know it was illegal :D as been said, it's proper laid back and very good pay for the amount of work you actually have to do.

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