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Everything posted by marciszd

  1. i think i will enjoy short bike more, since im moving from bmx. maybe later /next season/ i will get long one. but deff it will be mod
  2. i also found this one - i think that one will suit me. http://buysell.nsmb.com/showproduct.php/product/7536/cat/14 cheers
  3. thats what he said, "no clue about shipping to us". that brisa doesn't look bad, but i didn't heard much about that brand /im new to trials, trying to move from bmx/. he doesn't specify shipping too. how do you find those bikes? i found it hard to get any of them on ebay, maybe because in US trials are not that popular. thank for info
  4. well i found this one - the guy said that will send me the pictures http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ADME:L:RTQ:US:1 cheers
  5. you guys are awesome. i am not actually a yank, im in USA for last 4 years, i got there from poland. i was on that forum, but somehow yanks are not that helpful as you guys. maybe my card doesn't say that im in US, but i was just filling it out fast, i was at work. thanks for sites info mates peace /i edited my profile, there shall be no problem now/
  6. you guys didn't see the problem, im living in USA, what means that the shipping would kill me, on the other hand i said about 350 dollars, what stays for about 200 pounds. i know i wont get a good bike for that money, maybe you can get me some good models or something like brands i should look for - after taking a look in tardybikes know what is reliable more or less, but more knowledge would help me a lot thanks
  7. hi im new here, and i want to start trial /i was bmxin for last 2 years/. i was looking through web for a good cheap bike, and i found this 20bt-a - tell me if you know anything about that bike. since im a new to trial i dont wnt to spend a lot of money, lets say no more than $350. tell me what are your suggestions, here is the link http://www.bikebuyers.com/20bt-a.htm peace
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