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Posts posted by Monkman

  1. Hey, got a bunch of friends moving out of there folks into a new house (2girls and 1 guy) just wondering what the best gift for £20-50 would be (nothing sexual theres nothing going on as far as i know!). i want some thing thats really handy but really funny.

  2. Does any one know where to get these types of jeans cheap is there a name for this style? moneys a bit tight at the moment and i cant afford £45 for jeans.


  3. Just been playing this game for about half an hour with some mates on MSN. What you do is say a title of a film followed by the phrase "in your pants".

    Sounds crap but some are really funny....

    Ill start. :lol:

    "The Temple Of Doom" in your pants.

    "Black Beauty" in your pants.

    "The nightmare before christmas" in your pants.

    "Super Size Me" In Your Pants.

  4. I work in a twist and go shop in Hull called Scootique.

    The aerox is a really good machine i even have one my self but under the MBK Nitro name (same bike diffrent panels)

    THEY WILL DO 60MPH!! with just a derestriction as long as u let the engine run in before you do it.

    no need to upgrade any parts but make sure u get it re jetted when u de-restict last thing u wanna do is seize it.

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