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Posts posted by SaltWaterHippo

  1. I assume you mean cigarettes, I've never tried one before, But I dont mind if people smoke, I just see it as a bad habbit, I've tried a few cigars and occasionally marijuana like most teenagers :P

  2. Ok, I just noticed half the jokes that were posted are racist... So theres this black family, The son and his mother are in the kicthen baking, the son puts loads of flower on his face and says "looks mum, I'm white!!", She slaps him and asks him to tell his dad, So he does and his dad hits him and asks him to tell his gran, and agian his gran hits him, So he returns to his mother saying "You, dad and gran has attacked me now", She replies "Yeah, Havent you learned anything?", He says "Yeah... I've only been white 5 minutes and I hate you black f**kers!!"

  3. how does that make sense? jsut because he could use a different operating system doesnt mean he's smarter :S

    Different operating systems could be harder to use. I dont know any computers that come with Linux, Again, I doubt he built his own or installed Linux if he dosnt know how to upload a video.

  4. Little girl is sitting in the bath with her mum, She points between her mums legs and says "Mummy, Whats that?", "Thats my flower..." "When will I get one of those?", "When you're older", Few days later shes sitting in the bath with her dad, She points between his legs and says "Daddy, Whats that?", "Thats my penis...", "When will I get one of those?", "When your mum goes to the bingo".

  5. I dont wanna get banned for telling any racist jokes so heres a few sick ones...

    Q - Whats better, a 5 year old girl or a 5 year old boy?

    A - A 5 year old girl becuase you turn her over and you get a 5 year old boy.

    Q - How much fun can you have with fortyeight year olds?

    A - Plenty - Theres 40 of them.

    Q - What did the blind, deaf and dumb kid get for Christmas?

    A - Cancer.

    Q - What do you do to the blind, deaf and dumb girl after you've raped her?

    A - Break her fingers so she cant tell anyone.

  6. I thought he ment he couldnt sign on using the AOL client which acts as a browser aswell :-S

    But yeah, I'm on AOHell and they are a notoriously shit ISP, Not so bad for me anymore since I've leanred how to troubleshoot a lot of problems >_<

  7. hi anyone using aol is TF playing up on your aol because it is on mine, i can not sign on using aol but i can on internet explorer :blink: any help would be good thanks paul.

    How far does it get when you try to sign on? Normally it tells you the stage it's at near the sign on button or something?

  8. I told me dad about it and he said "Aslong as its not another kids bike" (I have a crappy BMX) so I guess I'm going to go for a stock to keep him happy >_<

    I was looking at this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=157

    I couldnt really find a deacent review on it, Is it any good?

    If anyone could recommend one that would be great too, I think I'm willing to spend upto around 700 quid max. (Need to save cash for the Wacken Beer Fund! :lol:)

  9. I got one of the DVD ones when I was on holiday in Asia when they were bleeding edge stuff, It was pretty f**king sweet! But when I wanted to put it on my PC it wasnt very user friendly and the file size was massive (Latest video was 3:35s which took up 210MB) Everytime you want to put a video on your PC it needs to be convereted into a more portable format for playback. The only deacent and hassle free playback was when I plugged it straight into a TV. Plus it had to be compressed like a motherf**ker before I could get it on YouTube. So yeah.. Not really worth it if you're trying to put your videos on the net :turned:

    What I'd look for is an average camera that comes with a deacent battery life and a lot of memory if it's internal.

  10. Thanks for the replies! Been a great help.

    Depends how much money you have as trials costs a small shed load of cash a year!

    I'm pretty used to that, I'm a computer enthusiast so I buy parts a lot. I'm thinking about going for a mod, If I had one I know I'd really use it a lot e.t.c. So I was wondering if there was any point in getting an expensive one and learning how to use it? Or get a cheaper one and get a more expensive one when I get better? The more expensive option seems more sensible to me but I was wondering what you guys think? :turned:

  11. I used to play but I've not installed it since I've reformatted becuase if you play good you're a hacker, if you play shit you're a noob, Also got tired of people shouting "Rapped!" and "Owned!" on TeamSpeak :turned:

  12. Hey, I've read the stickies and I dont know if this is a small question but yeah... I planning on getting into trial biking and I was just looking for some advice. I've tried Google before you ask but most of the results are pretty gash and I didnt really get my questions answered as fully as I'd like.

    I'm guessing most of you build your own bikes but I'm not sure where to start which is why I'll probably just buy one pre-built, but I was wondering how generic they were, Am I able to mod it in future or will the parts not fit from other manufacturers? I know the major differences between the 20" and the 26" but the purposes are still a little unclear, the 20" is for an off road natural terrain and the 26" is more for streets e.t.c? I dont know any good / reliable manufacturers either.

    If anyone could give me a few pointers or link any deacent manufacturer/information websites it'd be much appreciated.

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