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Posts posted by hI-OOPS-CAPS

  1. Although my stamina could be worse, I think it's more determination to make me progress. Power will just develop as technique gets better. There is someone who I've seen ride a few times, not bulky to say the least and he can pull off power moves like he's been riding 5year or so.

    Might be the geometry of your frame making it feel heavier.

  2. Did'nt mention anything about 116mm frames you pillow.

    And the price thing as a whole, fixed hub inc would come to a similar price, stop arguing , you brought a pro 2 over this idea you hippocrite.

    It's 135mm axle, and infact if I get front freewheel I think it'll turn out more money as I'll also need bashring, rear sprocket and I don't know any problems linked with the chain tension and alignment.

    I also haven't heard a bad thing about the Pro2, so I'll save the front freewheel for some wintertime.

  3. Im just wondering about running a fixed hub on rear, some front freewheel - probably Tensile, and a Rohloff chain tensioner.

    Will the chain tension be ok and aligned easily, and also with Tensile cranks, will I still be able to have a bashguard and a freewheel?

    Lastly are there many stock riders with front freewheel?

  4. I just read my notes and write important things down, lucky for me my course is mainly equations and statements so not much english must be wrote. Revision for english and biology was harder as there's more literature which isnt for me

  5. I dont plan on front tapping, nor commit to them. As my front wheel goes up it might clip the wall and even thats noticable. I just want them to be more consistent

    as for learning taps, all i'm saying is Hans Rey. (NO WAY)

    You saying they're not the best thing to do?

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