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Posts posted by nikolai

  1. Another lost thread from OTN...

    anybody here from Fort Collins, CO?

    I got the job, I'm moving there the last week in January. I could use some advice for picking a quiet neighborhood to find an apartment or house share.


    nikolai.braun at gmail.com

  2. Reading around on the Biketrial Federation webpage, I see that British Cycling does have some involvement in UK observed trials.

    I think I need to talk to my buddies again to clarify with what administration and organization British Cycling is and is not involved. I thought I understood it after a conversation today, but I guess I don't.

  3. UCI trials is connected with british cycling (they pick the team for the world Champs and have the entry forms for the world cups). but it would be nice if they gave us a little more support, like flights and hotels for the World Champs (like they do for DH,4X and XC) and it would be nice not to have to pay for the UK team kit too.

    Okay, so British cycling has some involvement with the pro-level end of things.

    But why has observed trials in the UK opted against having British Cycling involved in lower level riding-- the British Trials Cup for instance?

  4. Facts:

    --I am not riding observed trials anymore, however I am and always will be a fan and a supporter of trials.

    --I have recently made friends with members of British Cycling here in Manchester.

    --British cycling is flush with money, infrastructure, and enthusiasm for developing British cycling talent to compete internationally.


    Why is observed bicycle trials in the UK under the same organizational umbrella of Moto-trials (the ACU? is this accurate?)

    (edit- the AMCA)

    Why is observed bicycle trials in the UK not under the organizational umbrella of British Cycling?

  5. I need to start preparing for the day when my friend with a car moves to Canada, and I can no longer depend on his automobile to reach good trials rocks.

    Can you guys recommend some decent trials spots out in the Peak District that are close (3-ish miles) to a train station.

    There has got to be a spot off of the the Manchester-Sheffield line, or maybe around Marsden that is as good as Bacup Quarry or Shipley Glen.

    Let me know where to go.


  6. Do not ride in Salford.

    I mistakenly advised people that Salford has a lot to offer a trials rider in this thread:


    I had only explored that place before on weekdays. It looked a little shady, but okay. I guess all the miscreants were either in school or in some court-mandated reform program.

    I went there this morning and was chased by two gangs of criminal youths who were shouting "Give me your motherf-ing bike!" one of the gangs was pelting me with stones. One asshole threw his bicycle at me.

    Do not ride in Salford.

  7. Amazingly I came across as an intelligent and hard-working guy at my interview, and I was offered a job at the University of Manchester. I'm coming from the US and I won't be in Manchester until October when I'm there for good, so I need a little advice for setting some things up from this side of the pond.

    I've found this real estate site: http://www.thinkproperty.com

    And I'm pretty sure I can find a place to rent in my price range listed on that website.

    Is the area near the canal/river shown in this link an okay place to live?


    What bank should I open a savings and checking account with? What bank should I avoid? (and why)

    Before I even show up, I think I want to buy a campus/city bicycle and have it waiting for me. What online retailers do you recommend for a purchase such as that? Is US and UK bicycle sizing any different?



  8. Unless I screw things up really bad, I'll be starting a job at the University of Manchester this fall. I have lots of questions.

    What is the trials scene in Manchester like? How many riders? Are there good rocks and logs around, or is it all urban stuff? How about road and MTB? How about hiking and camping?

    I'd like to live no more than 5K from campus. What areas should I avoid living in? (I want to avoid both crime and drunk college kids)

    I tentatively plan on biking to work every day. Will my bottom-of-the-line hybrid bike definitely get ripped off? Do I need to find a rusted junker instead?

    What are the winters like? Do I have to become a fan of Manchester United? What time does the sun set at the summer/winter solstice? Does your country have socalized healthcare? Do all Brits listen to nothing but techno and do nothing but ecstasy?

    Thanks guys!

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