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  1. i have little kids better than me now do i care no cos i no i dont ride ever night and 'train' if you will i just go out for a laugh but it does help if your pretty fit

    i smoke and drink way too much so my stamina levers are down at the mo and prob will be untill i run out of money and the smoking ban kicks in.

    instead of goin to the gym and gettin bigger what you must remember is ok you may have bigger muscules but musucle weighs more this is why i suggest you dont go into a gym and lift the biggest weights, start with 10kg and work on your stamina i usually do 30 reps with my bi ceps and 30 with my tri ceps and then agin but 20 and finally 10 you will see that your not just gettin stronger but you will be able to ride longer

    hope this helps

    thanks i will keep that mind

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