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Posts posted by rugbyman

  1. i cant say ive asked, lol, im not expecting a sponsorship, but i dont stand by what u say there, no matter how much of a dick you are, if your a dammed good rider companies will sponsor you.

    you really think so? i don't agree

    but then we're both adults(over 18) so i guess that's ok

  2. To be honest, I found the YMSA comps I've done were really good fun without being a loud-mouth twat (read: typical football supporter :P)? I found it fun just from meeting new riders, being challenged by the sections and just being there, pretty much. Didn't have to be ridiculously loud or anything. Everyone seemd to get on really fine, everyone took the piss in a light-hearted way if someone f**ked up a section, and there was just a really positive atmosphere, without shouting and swearing. I'm guessing it's different at the nationals then?

    are you sure mark?

  3. familys go to football games there full of loud people shouting and swaring at the top of there voice, trials shud be like that.

    fun :D

    ill loose a few peoples respect now, but i dont care what comps are like, i dont really think about setting an example, i ride my bike for fun, if children want to copy me let them do so

    if you don't care what comps are like don't talk about them!

    not caring about setting an example proves your immature

  4. It's not as bad as people make out yeah people can get frustrated but there hasen't been a case of a rider swearing at an observer this year :S

    I think if a rider falls off and has a quick curse against themselfs through frustration thats fine, was talking to the dad of a brit rider last night and he came up with the good point that swearing happens in every sport (eg Football were any half wit who can lip read can see the foul language some players use)

    I think we should certainly keep on top of it and punish those that break the rules but so far this season I personally haven't seen or heard of an event that needs such attention.

    guess ashton dont agree

  5. Are you happy to know that what you do offends other people at an event which is supposed to be a good family day out?

    Chris when has it ever been a good family day out :-

    i'm a bit p'd off cus the last 2 british rounds have been slagged off. i go and observe eve though i don't take a ider with me, i love it, always have and always will and will continue to do so. i personally have been there when 2 people used what i consider to be offensive language and there was women present. on both occasions i spoke to the riders, the said sorry and i've not had or seen any problems on my sections since.

    my concern is that people are questioning martins comments because it is so vague and could refere to anyone who is in the top flight. it's a shame that this has been brought to the public through the only mainstream meadia that trials gets. personally i think the artical should never have been written. take it up with the individuals concerned!!!!!!! don't write about where people can't comment.

    how many people read mbuk? shed load, how many are on here? very few!!!!! my opinion? not a good article. :angry:

  6. no:1


    2 places to look before you set off.

    the weather on Nevis from top to bottom can vary by as much as 15ºc so you may strart of in shorts and be wearing thermals by the time you get to the top. The last time i did it was in the month of July and there was snow on the top! honest! May's a funny time of year and the weather can be anything from the weather like today to snow not many years ago. mountains even in good weather can be bad, be careful dude. last week at the scottish six day the had awful weather while we were basking in sunshine :P .

    some friends of mine did it last year in the summer and they didn't have a driver either, they did it in 27 hours (they were well p'd off) they're gonna try again next year and take a driver ;)

    good luck

    let us know how you get on (Y)

  7. as the title suggests i need to get her in doors a mountain bike, i think it might need front and rear suspension :-

    i don't want nasty cheap like the 50quid ebay jobbies but i don't wont to spend to a fortune either, i've no doubt after the second sore arse outing she'll never ride it again :P:P

  8. what i find really interesting is none of the people who are ruining our sport have the balls to respond to anything thats been said here or in the freeridetrials_club closure topic...

    maybe we've shamed them into silence, hopefully now they'll grow up and stop f**king up our sport...

    wayne - your a legend mate, if there were more of you and less of some others this sport would be one of the best in the uk, you'll see me around and i'll probably pop up to the odd event to help out and make sure the little ones keep riding hard but i'm out of competeing and organising


    how many people thought that said RUNNING?



    A skinny little Irish guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE black guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says: "7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch private, 3 pound

    left testicle, 3 pound right testicle, Turner Brown".

    The white man faints and falls to the floor. The big guy kneels down and brings him too, by shaking him and asks, "What's wrong with you?" In a weak voice the little guy says, "What EXACTLY did you say to me?"

    The big dude says, "I saw your curious look and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me. I'm 7 feet tall, I weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20 inch private, my left testicle weighs 3 pounds, my right testicle weighs 3 pounds, and my name is Turner Brown."

    The small guy says, "Turner Brown?... Sweet Jesus, I thought you

    said, 'Turn around!'"

  10. As for the Gears, yes i feel we need to renew the rule but i was surprised to see so many people with single speed on Sunday, the reul currently still stands and as far as i'm aware we shall be inforcing it.


    does that mean people running single speeds will be disqualified matt?

    Yep, so people will moan if they are too easy and will moan if they are too hard because the level your making the sections should be the level they are intended to be not too hard or too easy, and dangerous sections has always been the case that's why sections have been changed half way through in the past and why you don't put a 7ft drop to a pointy rock in a blue route class as that would be classed as rather dangerous just as you wouldn't put a 20ft drop to a pointy rock in master.

    And it's funny because of the other bit I put below that.

    And you haven't quite grasped why people would moan about the £20, because last year it was £12 and this year an increase of £8 along with extra rounds, where is the extra money going, nothing is different.

    I can see you don't like "moaning" not exactly moaning but more of a discussion, if you don't want to discuss in a FORUM don't say anything instead of crying and telling me to shut up.


    i never laid out the sections phil

    i'm not gonna continue this convo on here, we'll continue it at backcowm ;)

  11. I wouldn't put a topic up asking about peoples opinions of the trial and expect positive feedback,

    and why not?

    that's the problem with this forum, it's so negative

    Make the sections harder than the route is intended to be making it quite dangerous for the riders level

    now your taking the piss. you moan they aint hard hard enough so don't moan if they are next time. and as for dangerous, whenever has that been the case?

    The entry fee being £20, people probably don't like it because it's quite a lot more than last year, more rounds have been added. What you are saying about the how much it should cost is quite funny because your not paying the observers anything or anybody else involved so that leaves:

    and why is that funny then phil?

    maybe you should!

    i'm too tired tonight to argue, but i sure you wish you'd stop moaning. £20 is fcuk all compared to what you all spend on your bikes and traveling to ride either comp or practice! so shut up and enjoy!

  12. i posted this topic originally, in the hope that there would be positive feedback :huh:

    you bunch of moaning minies!

    well Back Cowm Quarry Lancashire is next on the list. your comments have been noted! i can't do much about the trophies, but lets see if the sections will sort out the men from the boys.

    i really am at loss as to why people moan about the price though.

    if all the people who set out the trial, and the observers, and the officials and everyone who had anything to with the setting out and organizers of the trial were paid their expenses, then the cost to you as riders would be through the roof!

    10 observers travel 400 miles and have to stay over. @50p per mile = £2000 for fuel

    they all stay at a travel lodge over night = £500

    the sections are set out by 4 people who spend 8 hours each doing it 32x£15 per hour=£480

    the administrative costs for receiving entries and all the paper work must take at least 10 hours@£6 per hour=£60

    section tape and misc items=£50

    trophies (even cheap ones)=£100


    so 60 riders paying £20 each=£1200



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