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cadbury's cream egg

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Posts posted by cadbury's cream egg

  1. Yeah I am in if the weather is good. What day are we going for Saturday or Sunday? Maybe working Saturday morning but if need be wil take my bike to work with me and come straight in afterwards. Can someone let me know please thank you

    Seems we will be heading out sat if the weather stays/becomes all cheery (Y)



  2. Well i will be out for saturday, haven't rode in a while so should be a laugh.

    Meet at temple mead steps at 11am lets say, on one of these days.

    Give me a ring on 07510494685 or post on here.

    Plus if anyone has a freewheel spare or for sale, i will buy, cash in hand (Y)



  3. I've had no problems with him or t-uk myself and I've met him and hes a sound bloke, but because one neon broke it doesn't mean that all of them will, im not particularly trying to stand up for Dan because he does f**k people around.

    Leon x

  4. I've heard off a few people that Dan is VERY slow at sorting things out, leave it a bit longer maybe ? But i will try and get Tom Jefferies to talk to him for you as he talks to Dan quite alot.

    Hope that helps.



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