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crazy_gap girl

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Posts posted by crazy_gap girl

  1. OS X has all the printer drivers built in you know? Unless you want the software for the printer (I don't both with that, it works fine).

    I know, i looked through the list of drivers and it didnt have the x1100 series. Also tried other drivers and didnt print what so ever.

    But meh it works i just cant change the settings for quality so its useless still.

  2. Why've you still got Dashboard and Spaces in your dock?

    I don't know.... is there some sort of law not to have spaces or dash in my dock? Does it make me look uncool? :turned:

    Nadine, do you have a link to the original image of your background? Or have it on your mac? I've had a good idea for it and would like if that's cool (Well done if you designed that by the way, very good!)

    Hey yeah, Iv uploaded it to sites hosting because everywhere doesn't support more then 1 MB and its rather huge.

    So don't all go mad because iv forgotten how much bandwidth i have haha!

    Here: http://www.nadinestaniforth.co.uk/Images/W...ilo_v2_wide.png

  3. Yes it's nice and all, yes it is for the people who LOVE power point!!!! and projectors.

    But from my point of view its too expensive for what it is.. your just paying for the design and the solid state and the fact it has no optical drive actually really sucks!

    Maybe. it's just way to ahead yet for me to like it, with all the remote disc and shiz!

  4. Apprently. Light snow is going to fall at aprox 18 hundred hours in the ditch called Huddersfield tomorrow! (well, today)

    Best have some snow, but there wont be enough to make everything stop!.

    Think am gonna' book a snowboarding holiday, HA!

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