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mountian goat

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Posts posted by mountian goat

  1. Yeh all i would like to be able to put a half link chain on my stock. how many half links do you think it will need just wanted to no before i go out and buy one and it doesnt fit!

    do you think i will need more than 98 links.

    cheers lee

  2. whats wrong with smooth, fast rolling tyres on the rear and big, knobbly, grippy tyres on the front? Surely thats ideal!

    Its weird i just dont like the look of them, how they feel when i ride with it on the front. i think a dmr moto tyre would be ok so might go for one of them :)

  3. hey some of you may of seen it before it did look like this :


    only a slight update :P

    bars : viz at the moment £45

    stem: spank gold stem£60

    wheels: halo sas rim halo spin doctor hubs back spokes £190

    seat: shadow conspiracy :) £20

    pedals: gusset slim jims £45









    thanks for looking.

  4. Arnt you supost to speak correctly as a full member? :P

    I know there is a bmx-forum but.. alot of people on here do ride BMX, and before bmx-forum was made they posted here, so no need for everybody to have ago!

    Still looks like a tank! *Cough* www.bmx-forum.co.uk *Cough*

    h3h3 <3

    na its just i got slated when i posted my jump bike on here.

    and were am i ment to put that?

    any way looks sweet :)

  5. hello

    after quiting trials i thought i would try something new

    i am picking this up tomorrow morning

    getting it for 250

    think it was a good deal?

    comments good or bad cheers lee




    that better now its in chit chat

  6. So if you quit trials, why did you post it on a trials forum?

    f**king hell does it matter?

    if so i was gunna put it in chit chat because its not trials but then i thought u lot would just say " there is a bike pic section" then it would prob get moved into here any way

  7. lol just found this on ride street forum

    link for any body who wants to see the topic on there

    ridestreetforum tesco topic

    look what the discription says about the bike in the pic lol

    they state its a trials bike :P haha

    o and they also dont no how to put forks on either !!


    sorry if its a repost

    anyone else find it funny lol

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