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  1. I love the fact that it must be so ridiculously dangerous Good job and good luck, try and get a seat in there if you can, like one off an old school T-Rex so your mate can sit down.
  2. You knocked the chain off with one foot and it doesn't come off when you ride? Attacking two ladies is a disgusting thing to do.
  3. You can go Mod (20") or Stock (26") it won't make any difference, it's only the size of the wheels, people say Mods are more flickable etc but you really need to try them to see what suits you best, so if you can get to a ride to watch people etc it can always be a big help.
  4. Lol. That's a winner. I wonder how much those muscles can lift, I bet you don't have to hop onto anything with your bike, your surroundings are so afraid they move under you.
  5. Maybe he didn't use the search function? He's new to the forum therefore he won't know exactly everything he can do. I doubt he made that post to get validated, maybe he just wanted to know, unlike you who's only posting to get validated. Good luck to you.
  6. UK Has bad weather which means it's hard to ride all year round, you can, but when it's lashing it down it can be a bit off putting. So Spain has the good weather going for it, but I have no idea other than the weather's better in Spain
  7. If that's what you want and it's £100 cheaper than it is anywhere else, as long as it's not haggered, but it says it's brand new. I would have thought it'd be your best bet really. The guy's got alot of good feed back aswell. But I can't really tell you about what it'd be like to ride compared to a 26 or 20 inch bike so you might be better off waiting for someone with experience on all 3 sizes or someone who can give you a good comparison from experience.
  8. That link doesn't work for me, might just be me but check it anyway
  9. When I seen this post all I could think of was "Hey, big spender". Welcome and you type better than alot of people in New Members Chat so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  10. So he's broken rules repeatedly in NMC and still hasn't learned from it?
  11. For anyone who's even considering this, you might want to check all of this guy's posts. All of them involve trading or selling bikes, all different aswell.
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