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J Trials 31

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Posts posted by J Trials 31

  1. So i've had a look around and foun that a DH tube wall is 1.5mm thick

    I then came across this tube HERE

    Looks pretty unstoppable, has anyone used them?

    Im not someone who worries about 100 grams extra its like taking my phone out my pocket when i ride

    So im not bothered if its heavy, but would this be good?


    Those look awesome! I wonder if I can get those in the U.S.? I'll look around, but I doubt I can get those.

  2. I'm mad at changing innertubes too!! I run 33 PSI in the rear, run Maxxis Maxx Daddy tires, and have a Kenda tube ( the so called best out there).

    What is the problem!! I hit a curb doing a bunnyhop and it popped! This happens to me all the time. Usually on the same day I change the tube. Anybody see any problems with what I am doing? Anything else I can do? I will try putting in the extra innertubes the next time too.

  3. umm im not to shore on the song, ask speedyjustice (he made the video) As for the tips...... ;) Relax, focus and enjoy, the more you ride the better you become and push yourself;)



    Thanks man, will do! That's actually some pretty good advice! I try to get out and ride every day. Just sometimes it doesn't happen. Since I've been riding a lot, I've actually almost doubled in ability! So I will stick with your advice.

  4. LOL.

    Buff i would need to be! i'll haev to ride it and see how heavy it really is, but i'm leaning that way. The frame's meant to be awesome :)

    And Jordan, have you got a link to photos of your bike? Why are you getting rid of it?


    Sure, I got pictures. I'll post some at the end of my post. I'm getting rid of it cause I'm going to a mod. If you got any more questions, you can PM me.

    Here are the pics. If you want more, let me know. There is also a link in my signature to the same photo.


  5. Your name is Koxxtrials your avatar is Czar logo, But you have a T-mag :lol:

    Matt Rushton

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! :- Cool bike though! I haven't had many chances to ride Onza mods. The ones I have ridden feel pretty nice. Except for the T-Bird I rode. Those things are heavy! What disc are you running?

  6. I think you should start on a stock. I have an Onza T-Rex for $650 U.S. It's in the bike pictures thread. Shipping could possibly be a problem, but we could figure it out. It's a very short stock and I think someone at your height would do well on it. When I was that height it was perfect. That's really the only reason I'm selling it. It's too short for me.

  7. i have just been on the czar on my drive and i thought could it be forks front wheel and bars as i have onza forks a mongoose wheel (broke my other one) and viz carbon flat bars?

    any ideas on how to improve my bike like how to make it feel slightly short e.g what bars/forks?

    Just get you a new wheel, new forks, and a new stem. I recommend getting V!Z stuff. There stuff is awesome! Either V!Z or Echo.

  8. I have a 250 and I love it. I've ridden many 125's and have loved them too. Most of them at least. Really nice bike though. I have a friend that has an 04' Sherco 125. Oh, yeah I forgot, I rode an 04' 125 in the Nationals one time! Sorry, for not saying that earlier. My dad has a Beta Rev 3 270 it's a great bike as well.

    Cheers, I think that's what you British people say! :P

  9. Your best bet is to get onto Observedtrials.net as most of the people on there are from the US/Canada and they usualy have some good bikes for sale!


    I don't know if you want to deal with the retarded people on there. I just got banned for asking a question. Stupid moderators abuse there power and act childish and tell ME I should grow up! I'll deal with you honestly though. Let me know. I'm banned so I can't really sell my bike on that website. So

    let me know about my bike when you get the chance.

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