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Ste Wilson

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Posts posted by Ste Wilson

  1. If you do that once they have worn out you could use the first bit that you took off and put that on instead and that way you would get two uses out of one pedal.

    good suggestion didnt think of that (Y)

  2. sounds like you have oil on your pads

    ways you can try

    1.sand down the pads a bit, so it will have fresh material

    (it might not responded, when you put it back in, thats ok just keep using it till it does, just needs to wear back in)

    2.try burning the surface

    (this is trying to remove th oil in the pads)

    3.drown in white spirit, then set it a light

    (this is trying to remove th oil in the pads)

    4.new pads :P

    hope this helps

    thanks :D will go and try the burining one B)

  3. I have just bled my magura julie n pressure was good,

    i cleaned the disc with brake cleaner left it to stand for about 24 hours went to ride it and the front brake just slips :S

    is it possible that some of the magura blood got on the pads >_<

    can an1 help m,e please :rolleyes:

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