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Posts posted by TheChai

  1. I would like to see more support from British Cycling, I know people have said they are whatever they are. But I think they are quite key if we want this to grow. It would be good to understand where they are coming from and if we can work towards something to make it happen. Barbara has mentioned they are happy to support the schools, if this is so then maybe we should focus more on the school rather then the competitions.

    Schools will bring in new riders, which will also bring in more competitors. Effectively I think by helping schools, we will grow the competition scene as a by product.



  2. Had a great time in Antwerp as always! The event had a record turn out of riders this year! We were all supposed to fancy dress for fun on the ferry there which worked out pretty well! Tim was supposed to be Yoshi! Unfortunately, his costume didn't make it in time!

    Turns out we did more fancy dress filming then riding filming! Heres a little video made by Tim Rodriguez! 

    Antonio Claret

    Steve Rodgers 

    Dan Wheeler 

    Tim Rodriguez

    Andrew Chai


    • Like 1
  3. I use "we" because I want to get involved and help.

    The competition ask for observers when required, no one asks for help with clearing up. I haven't been asked to help set up. You might argue it's initiative or common sense, but simply, we cannot go around expecting things to happen without asking.

    Make it all the riders duty to clear up after a comp give yourselves a break. I am sure it would be done, when people are asked politely no one would say no. but if you just expect, then I do not think you can complain when it doesn't happen. Everyone has different expectations and I am sure if riders were told to expect to have to clear up you wouldn't have this problem.

  4. This topic has really hit home to how much confusion there is within the trials competition scene. 

    I dare call Biketrials federation the main body, but even with that statement I feel like I am threading on egg shells. 

    It just sounds like there is a lot of resentment and we are struggling to progress. 

    Mark has gone through a lot of detail on how to improve and make competitions more efficient and accessible, however there is some clear disjoint within the organisation and the main volunteers that put these competitions together that really need to be addressed before the group can move forward to do greater things. 

    I urge the community to set aside our differences and work together with what we have, we need consistent goals and a consistent strategy to go anywhere. Have we got a vision of what we want trials to be in 5, 10 years time? Is today what we wanted trials to be 5 years ago? If there is it is clearly communicated? I am not aware of one.

    Many people doing the same thing without clear direction is chaos. 

    There is a lot of potential but we really need to agree on a consistent strategy and have everyone working towards it. 

    it is very clear that this is not currently happening. 

    Basically we need a leader.

    • Like 1
  5. I liked the topic, but unfortunately the ensuing discussion is digressing! Solutions are needed here, not blaming/bitching..


    Barbaras stepped down - no one is running tykes for now. 

    i think we need to get together to have a serious discussion about how we can put the resources we have to best use, following that, what the organisers of the competition actually want to achieve for the sport in the UK, and have that as a common goal so we are not arguing all the time. 

    Get together have a chat I am happy to be involved! But we need key players who can actually make the change. 

    • Like 3
  6. I havent had any issues! Delivery is about 2 weeks! They are a China based distributor. You can order directly from them via email. The website isnt as well kitted out for the time being.

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