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Adam L

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Posts posted by Adam L

  1. Edit: A pencil or a compass?

    Just imagine this scene: Some uber brap in a flat peak and stolen tracksuit from JJB's approaches you, it's dark, there's no one around and you're scared, he could have a gun, one of these new anti-stab knives, anything, and you know unless you run you're going to die. He's a foot from you, he reaches into his inside jacket pocket for his weapon of choice, your heart's beating so fast you can hear it and it feels like it's going to pounce out of your chest at any given second. You see it, it glistens in the moonlight, the sharp pointed object in his hand, he lunges for you, it pierces your skin, he runs away and you look down, you feel the blood dripping from your chest and then you realise, it's okay, he's only pierced 5mm into your chest with a compass.

    I pretty sure getting stabbed in the neck with a compass would do damage, if thats all they have they ain't gonna aim for the chest.

  2. I was in sheer shock all the way through that video, THE best street rider in the world without a shadow of a doubt. The flair on the tree was totally unexpected.

    World f**king class.

    Does it scare anyone else that he's still getting better?

    I really do not think there are any boundaries with this fella.

  3. Technically, if they are just doing the same obstacle over and over again, they're not doing parkour. Training, perhaps, but its not parkour.

    Thats exactly right, its a common misconception when they say they are doing parkour and people just think 'what a pointless thing to do' but its quite handy even though i don't train anymore.

    By the way, Captain Scarlet, from personal experience, i'd say learn a backflip first. They are the easiest to do by far, all it takes is confidence and a decent take off. I'm talking on flat here, off a wall is slightly more dangerous. Wallflips are a pain and can go wrong easily.


  4. Maybe I put my point across a little incorrectly.

    Its quite hard to explain what i meant, i was inferring (?) that parkour is mainly within the age group of 15-19. Well it looked that way at least at Trace '07. You need to dedicate a hell of a lot of time to it really, and university/work can hinder that, that's what i meant.

    And yes it does take a long time to learn, it's not easy or simple by any stretch of imagination.


    EDIT: I think it's important to note that conditioning is equally as important as getting the techniques down. Without conditioning hardly any well known freerunners/traceurs in the scene (Ilabaca/The 3run Boys/Phil Doyle) would be where they are today.

  5. Sebastian Foucan had hardly anything to do with the creation of parkour.

    He merely introduced it once he learnt about it.

    But yeah, did it for 2 years from 2005-2007, if you take it seriously it can be extremely beneficial to overall strength and body condition. The reason i stopped was because i needed something new to set my mind on.

    I do recommend it to people but i reckon its too late to start at any age over 15.


  6. Definitely every cyclist should wear one, it only takes slightest knock and you could be dead.

    It's really not worth the risk at all.

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