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Everything posted by alex_trials

  1. Are they the ones that just go round your wrist or around your thumb/palm aswell?
  2. No exercise for a year! Dude thats unlucky. Hope you get better.
  3. Fair enough, what other supports did you try?
  4. About a year ago I broke my wrist and got some long lasting ligament damage from it. I find when trials riding both my wrists get really bad and I don't want to cause anymore long lasting damage, especially as I'm still young. Are there any wrist supports you'd recommend for trials riding? Cheers Alex
  5. So what sort of time are we meeting and where?
  6. I might come on Saturday. I'm looking to start trials and I guess first hand experience is the best way to learn (assuming anyone would trust me with their bike )
  7. Cool, I'll keep an eye out on the 'Rides/Locations' section.
  8. Hey, I'm looking to see if there is anyone in my area that wouldn't mind letting me have a go on their bike to get a feel for trials riding? Thanks Alex
  9. Are long frames for riding stock and short for mod? Or is there something I'm missing. Sorry for the really bad question Alex
  10. It'd be interesting to see how many of you ride stock, and how many ride mod. Thanks for your input. Alex EDIT: 24" option added
  11. The only problem is I know nobody whatsoever that rides trials, so I can't try any out. I was thinking of going to AshCycles in London and trying some out there as they have a lot of Onza's (both mod and stock). Thanks for the help, Alex
  12. Does it feel like you are right over the front wheel on most trials bikes then?
  13. For my height 5ft 9" and weight, around 145lbs, would a mod be better?
  14. A mate of mine has recently bought a Saracen Flea 3 and I had a go on it seeing as I'm interested in getting into trials. I felt like I was really leaning over the front wheel and didn't feel very balanced. Is this normal on a trials bike or is it just this particular bike?
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