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    dan watson
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    United Kingdom

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I recommend it too! London to Bristol £6 (no stops), much cheaper than the train and not too much slower.
  2. JT, I suppose that's what I was trying to say put a bit better. But OBM you put that worry to bed. Might have to try my hand at recommending worthy people The guidelines wouldn't have to be complicated; but it sounds like complicated or not it wouldn't matter as they just wouldn't read them full-stop. Seems like you were right TheScientist the unworthy, and illiterate, shouldn't be let loose.
  3. Thought I'd add my two cents here on the topic of the member population. ie: young old, new old-timers. Firstly I think the young old divide really shouldn't be a problem but when you have a sport that looks impressive you will always attract some young enthusiastic, sometimes misguided, people. I think that's pretty unique to trials and other than mods who are willing to be fair and clear there's no real way to deal with with it. Secondly I've been thinking about this a lot and I think there should be no NMC, but instead a beginners category. New members would be able to post anywhere immediately but, by moving threads if needs be, would be encouraged to post in the beginner category first. This means people who are new to the forum but not new to trials would not be 'trapped' in the same forum as absolute beginners. Cheers
  4. All I can say is competition drives down prices so I'm all for it, go for it guys! Being new to this I can appreciate what the others are saying about competition, you'll have to be on top of your game to compete at all with the likes of Tarty, but don't let any of those comments put you off doing your best! Just had to say WOW to this Sponge Rob! Xtrials are foolish if they don't take you up on this, them having their logo (assuming they'll have one by the time it's built) plastered all over the site, surely to good a chance to miss. Oh yeah and T-shirts are a great idea (actually that must mean you have a logo :$ sorry) D6116
  5. Hello all. I myself have two helmets for different bikes, that's fair enough right? One's a road bike and the other a mountain bike so I think it makes sense. My question is if I'm going to get another helmet for a trials bike i hope to get and I feel the need to buy another helmet (which I confess is inevitable) what style should I go for? So "What do you mean by style???" I hear you cry (in my head, that's where it's at after all), well okay some examples: Catlike (clearly out of the question as I already have one), peaked/visor (removable?), conventional all-round (let's be frank) Halford's stylee(check), skateboard. Anymore? Another important point to consider, how much protection do I need on the back of my head, because I've head that can be a 'danger area' in terms of trials injuries and it seems that something like a skateboarding lid, my initially choice, doesn't give you much protection there. All comments welcome. D6116
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