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Everything posted by SWEENY TODD

  1. guys what sort of tyre pressure do you all run in a 20" and why?
  2. HI TO ALL,ive been waiting now for a nice cheap onza to come up on ebay but i think everybody has gone trials mad has there are only an handfull that come up and go for silly money,do the guys who sell them put them up for sale first on here,or another forum?being a new guy you cannot go in the for sale section,any help ideas please?
  3. no probs vinny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. yeh it was true you said get him kicked off , BAN THE BRICKLAYER or whatever hes called thats what you said
  5. you tryed to get my mate banned m\te you wanted him kicked of for speaking about the new guys on here,what comes around
  6. hi antbody heard of a bike called a sunn bmix?
  7. hi guys ive seen this on ebay could somebody give me a price of whats its worth please and what you think to the spec,it would be my first bike,and i thought i would run it past you lot on here first to rip it to bits http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=150203961050
  8. A FRIEND HAS A MINT 1 FOR SALE WHO WORKS AT A BIKE SHOP,its all polished hardlet used think its going on ebay next week think he wants £200 for it,?
  10. is the frame for sale? my hotmail is mollski_69@hotmail.com add and lets chat
  11. HI HAVE YOU EVER OWNED AN ONZA,they seem to be a great bike to start on,if you have ever owned 1 please say what you thought to it has a bike for a newbee <and which model you had
  12. ive just added you to my msn need to chat about your bikes? hi will i see you ride I ride an onza t-mag 20" a saracen mad 26" ,which do you like to ride most and why??
  13. hi will im new on here has well are you on msn i think you maybe able to help me since you have both bikes?
  14. thanks broomer thats a great help mate ,sorry TrAsHeR imlost with the trackstand i donot no any trials talk jargon
  15. has a new guy you try and get has much info has poss,whats the first basic things you should learn to do ?any help
  16. Cameron,great topic ok im just about to buy my first trials bike,you may have seen my post 20" or 26",you see im 6ft tall and im unsure what to buy nobody round buy me rides trial bikes,sometimes i think 20 then the next day i think 26,i always seem to get it wrong.i think there should be more topics to help new guys,but saying that ive had a lot of help from many nice guys on here,it would be nice to try both out,but like i said im the only 1 in the area,anyway sell me your bike and get a 20" has im looking for a bike but cannot post has im a new-guy,my email is sbun69@yahoo.com
  17. thanks dan good reply there mate ,such a good place to get info
  18. CHIGS ,thats very nice of you mate,is it best to build 1 or buy 1 ready made up,everybody seems to be selling and swopping parts all the time?
  19. ok lads thanks think i will go for a 262 stock thanks
  20. hi guys,im new on here but has ive been on reading everybody post it seems to me a lot of you build your own bikes up,are they easy to build up or do most of you take them to your local bike shop to have made up?
  21. nobody ever ride orange then i did not think they made them
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