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Posts posted by CRANK BRO

  1. WELCOME TO THE FORM ECHO BOY,please tell me what you think to the t pro ,ive not yet myself bought a bike,but had a t pro lined up to buy.What do you think to it?do you have any photos of your bike? i wish you all the best in rideing your bike and to the forum.some very helpfull guys on here,but im sure you are well awear of that has you ride with so many (Y)

  2. How much do you value your head? ive raced time trial and all the lads and myself only ever wore and still do GIRO,There is only 1 helmet to put on your head wear it with pride GIRO,forget how much it is go for the best GIRO every time ;)

  3. OK im buying my first trials bike an onza t pro,what are they like for a first bike?the guy says the crank keeps clicking,ive been told the bb needs replaceing is this true?or what else can it be? anybody got one or had one what do you think,looking forward to haveing mine,i may change bars and stem has i love wide bars (Y)

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