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Bath trials

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Posts posted by Bath trials

  1. where is the link? :(

    EDIT: that was fast

    EDIT: cool little vid going there. :)

    Souyhampton looks like a cool place to ride might have go down during the easter hols.

    Was unlucky with the whole water in the shoe. :S

  2. New video from Bath riders ( well 5 anyway)

    me (Adrian)

    Tom Lancaster

    Olly Orford

    Josh Hayden

    Kyle Mumford (who's broken his leg!! (Y)" so get well soon :blink: )

    just tried to find some clips cause i havnt made a vid in ages, anyway tell me what you think? (Y)



  3. How much are they 05 ones then Dan? and are they any better whats been changed etc? Im intrested in some light disk forks either echo/zoo or these black nice looking ones, but will they last me?


    I think they are 90 a piece, they have a ripple design on the legs so that it acts like a shock absorber. These has steel steerer instead of ali, so its stronger again. and also its have a mint cnc'ed out dropouts. :P :D


  4. To be honest I would rather go for a Mono or XC as the internals in a Bulb are uber weak and tend to break alot!!! :(

    Well that's my opinion on them :P


    I agree my Hope bulb lasted me under a month where as my Mono lasted a lot longer. At the mo my ACS front freewheel is working better than my Hope bulb ever did.

    Just go for the Hope Mono or XC :D

  5. Really liked that, a nice chilled out video. (N)

    good for a days filming but would have be nice to see more, maybe in another video :-

  6. I feel so honored to have met you. you really were a great guy even though I only met you once or twice :ermm: . I wish I had gone to the ride in Swindon not so long ago. Your spirit will live on forever and ever. I don't think anybody will ever forget you.

    you are what trials is all about.

    Rest in peace, Deej

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