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ginger allen echo

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Everything posted by ginger allen echo

  1. Hahahahaha proper funny. Should have been wearing a helmet though. stupid f**k
  2. Ha, no. To thick. Try using water or magura royal blood
  3. Trialtech stem and bars would look good and maybe help? Ive never ridden a Simtra before so i dont know what their like.
  4. If you don't want to grind your rim i highly recomend echo HS33 pads with a bit of tar. They work utterly brilliant
  5. II will do, i was going to put a reply here anyways for when my pads came.
  6. True, i'm not bitching about heatsink. ive never used heatsink pads before but have heard alot of good things about them. Im in no hurry for the pads to arrive. I was just wondering why they take so long to be delivered?
  7. Yer i know its christmas but i would have thought that they would have been sent seen as it was nerely a week before christmas.
  8. Hi. I orederd some cnc cousts off of the Heatsink website last friday. But they havent come yet. Why the delay?? cheers ginger allen
  9. urbaUrbans are very nice. Ive got the black disk only versiI got the new echo sl stem, trialtech riser bars, khe chain, koxx banner. And hopefully going to get the tarty hoody and a new pair of shoes with the money i get. Not to mention i also got choclate, wouldent be crimbo without it. ginger allen
  10. Yer i know. i meant it's annoying when they come and ask where you can get them from and how much they are.
  11. In my town I hear little kids askin there perants to look at the "stunt bikes" or BMX's. And then the parents would come up to you and start asking millions of questions like "where can you get a bike liek that?" and so on. Also when you go to some of you fave riding spots and when you get there, there is smashed glass everywhere from the chavs that had been there that night. You end up spending half your time clearing it all away.
  12. This is a reply to your "hs33 setup" topic. silicone spray works a treat on them. just wind the tpa all the way out and take the pads off and spray a bit on the piston. just dont get any on your rim or pads.

  13. My mate Danny S had told me this a couple of days ago. so i might keep them on a smooth for a bit then go to a grind.
  14. Yer they are from the heatsink website. I'll email them if they dotn come. cheers
  15. Thanks for the advice, but ive just ordered the cnc coust. Should come next week hopefully. Thanks everyone jaffa allen xx
  16. yepp i think im gonan get em. ive got echo green pads on at the moment, theyre all right i guess but id like to get some new pads wich have got an outstanding bite. cheers
  17. My mate had a pair and he said that they started to go really crap.. Has this happened to anyone else?
  18. Hey all. Are the cousts any good on a smooth rim? Ive read about hem bfore and they have had a good review. Just wanting some more oppinions. cheers ginger allen
  19. Hey what bars are they?? jaffa cake(Y)
  20. Eno alll mine does is skip. im getin a try-all or tensile for crimbo
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