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Posts posted by COCKY

  1. I use dmr v8 (strong,grippy,all the pins are like new still after a year)

    welgo mags are good but ive seen too many people run them and the bearings are f**ked and they make some weird noises when you pedal back wards :unsure:

    and ill never go back to cage pedals after one of them snapped in the cold on me :sick:

  2. ok on a serios note,

    Not me but still weird

    we was riding leeds and was just stood chatting then heard this massive pop

    A car had driven over a bottle and the lid blew off anf his phill monks on the forehead

    he was around 15mtrs away from the road and was also in preload :giggle:

  3. broken both scaphoids they are easy to break, broke one knuckle, got a hairline fracture in my right elbow bone, broke my little toe and the toe next to it.

    and a funny one i got a pedal stuck in my leg so i went to a&e with an onza pedal sticking through my jeans into my shin :giggle:

    And my faviroute i fell off my bike in my back garden and hit my head on the wall and knocked myself out woke up blood everywhere and i had to go to hospital and have staples put in my head to keep the wound together.


    and after my head injury i was on my bike 4 days later.

    Not that easy to heal :/ ,Ive been waiting for an operation for the last 7months ):

  4. neonneon-how did you get money from Brittish airways? yeah like really exagerate.

    TrialsCalum-the police downin our town love us! they always stop to chat (but yeah i will use that)

    Tom_the_turtle-yeah there is plenty of areas to build there.

    COCKY-ok I'll chek that out. Is there any other decent floors you could use accept concrete.

    Yeah theres loads but for a decent,grippy floor that you can ride any weather with out it affecting you like grass would turn into mud and would be shit in the wet (or even days after it has rained).

    You could use a veriaty or difrent floors but as you know councils are gay like that and youll be on a budget.

    concrete is cheap and easy to lay.

    Our town council told us that they would supply a THIN layer of concrete witch would last as long as it dose (4 years now), Its starting to crack in plases and crumble.

    But also our council said when the floor is nackerd they will change everything about before laying a new one.

  5. Right a good friend of mine is a successfull member of our town council and me and him have been talking for along time about building a trials park in our town, and he is willing to help in whatever way he can with it.

    I would like suggestions and opinions from people, like how and what to build, what material (i understand lumps of concrete is cheap) and how to convince the town council to build it.(there are some rea C*nts in our council)

    P.S.We have a problem with vandelism in our town so nothing like wood please as it would lead to chavs starting fires.

    Tim keep out of his topic!!! :D

    cheers Sprog

    Me and a few locals designed out trials park dident cost that much theres some of it in my video (It wont let me post a link sorry youll have to find it lol) its under new frame in newmemberschat. dont know if it will help but should give you an idea .

    Ohh and make sure they concrete the floor haha at first ours was just grass and gravell wasent very nice to ride on as ours was built on a hill.

  6. How dose the rim look mashed'.

    The zhi looks the sex not a big fan of mod urbans (and they look mashed haha).

    The onza looks a lot better with out that horrid green rim on the back, what rim is it thats on the back by the way (one of them ltd editions ones that are aparently unbreakable think is the term you used last year in sheffield when we rode , week later you killed it (: ).

    love you ross

    p.s the video you sent me is beast (less street more natty) love the track you need to send it me some time

    Thanks Luke x

  7. i ran one for a wee while there really strong better than viz ( have difrent holes) they dont have that silly trench either

    my old viz rim died because of that lol

    they hold grinds very well

    think there only 36h

    dont know if thats the reason your after one or not

  8. Everyones using giros or that style, but i,m using a try-all potty lol. £30

    I took the piss out of him all weekend for his piss pot

    but to be honest there underrated they look mint are light and cumpfy

    and for 30quid are a bargin

    I was thinking hell look a cockwrench in it but you get used to seeing people in there helmets and after a day there helmets suit them

    if you know what i mean.

    OHH AND TRY EBAY i got mine from there (ladies giro £40 posted brand new in the box + warrinty)

  9. Looks cool man, how about going to your local council and see if they can build it somewhere?

    my local village has a trials park its all got too be within reason you cant have massive drops or anything like that its all up to a meter high but if you have a word with them and get them to give you a plot of land to work with you can do your design around your given space we did ours with what they gave us the council opted for a few walls but mostly rocks from the local quarry as that was the cheapest way and also gave us veriaty to link difrent lines/sections . even though im a street rider its a good spot to ride they put railings all the way around it so were also surounded by rail gaps.

    it took our council ages just to make a skate park and that sucked

    so screw the council and stay street :P

    all you have to do is work with them and show them what trials is most of them dont even know bikes with no seat exist

    just show them what sort of stuff trials riders do.

    i.e we got the council out and about 5 riders and rode on the wall out side the village hall and they was like thats totally difrent to what we expected

    there doing it for you not them so youve got to show intrest cant say will you make me a trials/ skate park then not turn up till its done and think god thats shit

    (not saying thats what youve done)

    our trials park isnt massive but kids from my village and the next have got little onza,da bombs and stuff there all riding there keeps them off the street with the chavs lol

    OHH AND A BIT OF ADVICE TELL THEM TO PUT LIGHTS IN IT (ours dosent and if you feel like a ride after work in the winter you cant see anything)

  10. Bike looks nice, good video should of put a song with it :)

    clips video dident see the point in a song to be honest if i made it into a big deal like song and edited it to a song might aswell of made a real video

    just wanting to see what you all commented about my riding (even with a broken wrist)

    yess cocky

    beast man keep it up

    we need to ride again (Y)

    who you quoting there dale

  11. I was wondering what the difrence between then proto limey and the new one was HAHA

    Was thinking its a bit weird bringing out a frame that will die on people ^_^

    IMO' If Onza bring the goods and these frames last , They are by far the way to go

    1:the geo is amazing

    2:the design is amazing

    3:price is decent (compared to an zoo,echo,ozonyz,atomz ... )

    4: there english hahahahhahha

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