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elliott the onza man

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Everything posted by elliott the onza man

  1. I want an avid but I was wondering whats the difference between the BB5 and BB7. Does the BB5 ajust the same way as a BB7, if not how does it adjust? Also is the BB5 as powerfull? So overall what is the difference? Thanks, Elliott.
  2. What booster is best and what really is the difference between the two? Thanks, Elliott.
  3. I am in need of a back tyre and need it kind of soon, but I was just wondering which one is the best because tarty say they have the maxxis on order so I might get the echo tyre. Is the echo tyre good? Thanks, Elliott.
  4. I am struggling over green or gold.
  5. What colours does everyone think looks nice with an adamant A3. Not black or silver because I want a bit of colour. Thanks, Elliott.
  6. built in booster is not brilliant, my frame still flexes
  7. Yes they have been discontinued but there are quite a few on offer secondhand. I have one myself and I think they are brilliant, very flicky but quite short, they are also very strong. Hope this helped, Elliott.
  8. is your booster 2 bolt or a 4 bolt booster.
  9. Does your frame have a built in booster because mine does
  10. I have an Adamant A3 and I have a zoo! lever blade so my frame flex quite a bit. I was just wondering whether I should put my tensile booster on which is lying around. But some people say that they got rid of their booster and their brake worked/held better. What should I do?
  11. How good is the Echo TR brake. Thanks, Elliott
  12. Thanks, I will be interested to hear what they are like from someone who actually has them.
  13. Does anyone know if the echo TR rims are any good because I am thinking of getting them, Thanks. Elliott
  14. They also now have metal backings.
  15. Its a magura HS33, but I would prefer not to bleed it with water. Yes I think it is DOT5.1. So which is best.
  16. My sisters boyfriend has offered to bleed my brake and I was just wondering what fluid is best to use. He has dot4, dot5 and magura oil, out of these what should I use. Thanks Elliott.
  17. I put my new pads and lever blade on today and set the pads up, but when I pull the brake one of the pads is normal and goes in and out but one goes in and doesn't come out very far. I thought that it could be because I have an air buble in the cross over section, because the pad that does not come back out changes every now and then. So maybe it just needs bleeding as it hasn't been bled in about a year. Help would be much apreciated, thanks, Elliott.
  18. I ordered them along with a brake lever blade and a TPA, I take it they will all be sent out together. (brake pads, lever blade and TPA)
  19. Ordered mine now, hope they are good. Does anyone know if they actually have them in stock yet?
  20. It's fine now, it was only for a short period this morning.
  21. I have a Trial-Tech stem and it is brilliant, just the right rise for me.
  22. I can't get on to the TartyBikes website at the moment, is anyone else having the same problem. Thanks, Elliott
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