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Dan Burgess

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Posts posted by Dan Burgess

  1. He'll be watching this thread, I'm sure he doesn't give a shit. Despite my little jibes about pears I do talk to him on MSN a fair bit and he's pretty sound, just likes winding TF up.

    Yes he does like to wind TF up I'm not sure if hes watching but meh

  2. Stop being a gang of bitches and leave the kid alone he's not even on here anymore. This is bloody E-bullying.

    He's my second best mate ok he goes to my school I aint bulling him, Im just saying hes an annoying trials rider.

  3. I am apologising for him because he thinks he's right and thinks everyone on here is a willy but its the oppisite way round lol.

    Im just trying to say Braintree riders are nice and cool we are just unlucky we have Charlie Jennings (Y)

  4. I am sorry about a rider from braintree who goes by the name 'Charlie Jennings'

    He has kind of ruined the reputation of Braintree.

    The time when the braintree lot didn't turn up on the southend ride because Charlie didn't tell us untill the night before.

    When ever a ride is orginised by anyone like myself or else accept Charlie we will 100% Turn up to.

    This is my way of saying sorry.

    Dan Burgess

  5. Ha looks fun, any pic's of you actually riding in the snow. Plus it looks more like ice then snow, so your pretty brave for going out riding!

    It was quite scary at time's especially when the back wheel kept slipping and my knee hitting the stem,

    Pedal hopping was hilarious because it was slipping and sliding all around the place I was in fits of giggles. =]

  6. Didn't do much, all the people moaning.. 'No i'm not coming out to damn'd cold'

    So I went around like a jonner.

    It was pretty good fun in the snow, funny thing is I didn't stack it when I thought it proberly be most likely time I would (Y)

    Anywho I took some photos of my bike in the snow,

    Non of me doing trials, No one to take them ;)






    They are not that good but yer!

    Hope to get some filming done tomorrow and some more pictures.

    Braintree Ride,

    New Rider - Brad Crawford.

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