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trialsking 55

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Posts posted by trialsking 55

  1. hi,

    i've got loads of mov. files i want to put into my vid. but windows movie maker wont let me. please help.

    and what better video editing/making software is there that i can download.



  2. What might your idea involve???

    Ive had a few such as Dayglo yellow tape under blu rims to compliment the Raceline mags

    Police 'white and blu' cordon tape

    'Fragile handle with care' tape

    and some other's jamed up my sleeve which i cnt quite reach at the mo, Which means i cnt post them  (Y)

    *gasp*. i have some caution tape in my shed which i nicked from a building site. :) hehehe looks like i'll be having black and yella caution rim tape. mwuhahaha

  3. the v!z green clashes with the ZOO! stickers, and itll make it look mismatched because of the different shades of green.

    im sure red or gold will clash even worse :ermm: . and if the green rim does clash just remove the stickers zoo!s look soo cool stickerless :-

  4. if you arent convinced about the viz rims get a ronnie or alexx or something - stip the colour add some very hard wearing laquer and voila! shiny silver rims! :ermm:

  5. pull the bike from under you and push the handle bars forward and pull the backwheel up as far as you can. aim to go over or right ontop of the wall. and as any omoto trials rider'll tell you : its all about confidence self beleif and aiming to get your backwheel over it. :o

  6. Pads: zoo! pads

    Time used: around 8hrs

    Rim used: monty x-lite

    Grind: Yes

    Ceraminc: No

    Brake used: Magura standard with cnc levers and frame has built in booster (221ti)

    What is your opinion of a working brake: should be very grippy, react when i want/need. lock up and dont slip - at all.

    Previous pads used: koolstops, spanish flys, x-lite pads

    Review:when i recieved the pads i was very excited and as soon as i cut the parcel open i had set the pads up square and was off to ride.

    the noise was deafening and they where gripping with just a slight squeeze of the lever. i decided to do some backwheeling and landing as hard as i could right on the edge of the wall to test just how well these could hold. i was amazed these pads just werent letting go. i was doing bigger gaps and backwheels instantly as these just held.

    they made me much more confident and improved my riding. and this kind of performance wasnt just a one off these pads were locking and gripping every single time i did a maneuver.

    at first i was worried about them wearing down fast because i had a grind, although it is pretty light one at that. but no, they have shown microscopic signs of wear.

    i advise anyone looking for some new pads to seriously consider these pads as they are definatley the best pads i have rode.

  7. its not properly snowed here yet although for the last three days we keep getting little sprinkles that do f**k all although its freezing right now! and its supposed to snow overnight. if there is enough our school'll close easy :closedeyes:. i hope we get a good few inches or feet lol.

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