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javzi monty

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Everything posted by javzi monty

  1. on your newest topic "few bits for sale" is the t-pro just the frame or a hole bike? pm me back

  2. javzi monty

    STEVE-O Mod vs. Stock 2

    NICE vid i was first to watch hehe thumbs up from me jarvis.
  3. javzi monty


    nice vid
  4. it has good geometrys amazing for a starter bike but my mate had one he had it for 3-4 months and the chainstay snapped hope ive helped jarvis
  5. looks mint really like the colour
  6. probs echo lites but old oh and a tip for the future if your ever respraying a frame take it apart first (because you got a bit of paint on the forks) hope ive helped
  7. hey! Just bought a Mongoose Fireball jumps bike and Im looking into upgrading the hubs with strong axles and low weight. But Im on a low budget So are there any recomendations for Front and back hubs In a price range of £75. The rear prefebly screw on! thanks!
  8. nice vid alex ive noticed a big improvement since your monty 221 pr
  9. dont listen to him because if you do you are going against the rules completly no buying or selling on new members chat but you should just get of the road when its a really hot day or just ask a roofer hope this helps.
  10. drilling your frame is stupid cause whats the point in spending all that money if your going to drill the hell out of it just do what evry else has said lighter parts the best way for lightness drilling doesnt do that much it isnt exactly like if you put 1 hole in your frame its going to be light as hell jarvis
  11. damon watson for definite he is a tank at street all though u dont see much pros do natural what about that?
  12. i cant because im goin to belladrum but probally the same with other people
  13. if you no inverness well you can discuss a meeting place in the thread
  14. hi i was wondering if anyone was up for an inverness ride on THURSDAY 7 AUGUST (07/08/08) anyone welcome especcialy dirt/street riders and obviusly trials riders everyone whos up for it contact me at JARVIS127@HOTMAIL.CO.UK and we can meet somwhere in inverness everyone comment below thanks jarvis.
  15. cheerrs for applying to my post i was trying to see how much peeps there are oh yeah im the boy with the mopngoose fireball


  16. hi i was just wondering how much dirt jumpers from the highlands are on this forum no timewasters
  17. i was eleven when i started with an 06 onza t-bird i havent even been riding for a year yet
  18. if your wanting to get a jump bike go for a mongoose fireball off winstanleys (not the bmx version) i have an 06 fire ball and its still going strong
  19. i ride a mongoose fireball at the moment as my monty pr is bummed soz dont have any pics
  20. nice pics they look mint your kamel looks nice and so does that guys t-pro
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