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Posts posted by kyeo00

  1. have you tried using the adjustment on the calipers ie u can pull or push the closer/further away from the wheel where they bolt on if there is too much gap then that will explain why your getting this effect. check that all bolts are secure aswell

    hope this helps

    I'm guessing he has, that's like the simplest thing known to man :D


  2. I loved my t-pro,it was such a sweet ride,they all should be providing theyre set up correctly and brakes are powerfull,i jus had to go back to stock though,felt a right loner as hardly anyone else rides mod round where im from....i still might get another mod at some point so i have the choice :)

    ......but defo,the t-pro is an excellent bike

    Looks like i was abit wrong :))

    Seems to be a brilliant bike!

    Go for it son!- Good luck with it!


  3. pre riding its got to be some drum and bass/grime, currently feeling the stuff that UNCZ are putting together plus a lot of the guys are local

    during riding some metal or heavy rock i guess and then some chill out music afterwards


    Good variety! :D


  4. Ermm, well I myself have an Onza Bird, which is the model 2 down from the Blade.

    But I would guess that the forks on both of them would be very similar,

    and since I replaced my forks with Echo Lite's, I have noticed a big difference!

    But I did replace my bars and stem too with much lighter parts.

    I also changed my rear wheel but that was only because the bike didn't come with drilled rims where as I think yours does?

    James (Y).

    Ooo cool :D

    Correct my friend, does come with drilled rims :P

    I'll get some new forks/bar/stem for christmas :)

    Or maybe if i can find some money somewhere :o

    Make a vid of you biking and show me, i wanna see what ''our'' bikes are capable off :P

    Well, what you're capable of on them :P


  5. If you dont find using the bench a good way to help get up the walls the you could use a ladder :lol: sorry i am just being silly naa benches are good but if you can find a very low wall like 1-2ft that would be the best cuz not only could you practise a zap tap but it would also help your balance alot hope ive helped even though i was silly :lol: alex. and GOOD LUCK with everything mate. (Y)


    Thanks alot pal :)

    Yeah, i'll get right to it!

    Get my bike back tomorow :P




  6. I have to disagree.

    BMX's play no part in what bikes are used in which situation. Street / DJ bikes are 24 / 26", trials bikes can be 24, 26 or 20 and be used for street.

    No size was designed specifically for street, I guess 24" is mainly aimed at street riders but that's about it.


    I'm not going to argue with you..


  7. Sorry if this insults anyone buit it's USUALLY chavs or people who are really laid back with there riding, but there we go. I know a group of really good riders who ride with out helmets, but to be fair they don't push themselves to much.

    Personally I prefer not to wear a helmet as it is more comfortable but I do ride with one on to save my life (Y)

    Sounds good!

    You got any vids off them? :P

    Yeah i'm trying to get my hands on a cheap helmet now :)



  8. Well you would, they're much smaller and lighter than a stock...

    Just go with whatever you ride best. I ride stock now because mods are too small and I'm nearly 6ft.

    I'm 6ft and i find them fine :S

    Most mod riders i know are like 6'2" :P


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