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About amso1337

  • Birthday 07/29/1989

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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
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  • Quick Spec
    koxx trick (unknown age) front+rear hs33 everything else is try-all
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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amso1337's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. £40 can get you a nice pair from tartybikes.co.uk .. that is if u have a ISIS bb which i presume u have
  2. try having a look in TK MAX, they usualy have some nice choice of shoes like DC, VANS and even sometimes nike 6.0's. i got my DC's for £7
  3. the raising your heart rate part might explain why energy drinks used to make me have nose bleeds, raising blood presure causing my nose to pop. dont think ill be drinking them again lol, i think ill just stick my my normal everyday drink good old dr pepper
  4. I got mine from my neighbour's garage, scraped it off the roof melted it down and remolded it until a cube. But your best bet is to ask road workers for a a bit, then u can just break a bit off or maybe melt and mold it into a smaller peice if its too big.
  5. i used to drink a 1or2 relentless's a day, i got to the stage where i graved it like people do cigs lol.. untill i started getting up to 3 quite big nose bleeds a day stopped drinking the stuff and not had a nose bleed since, but i miss the taste to be honest. got one sitting in my fridge thats been there for about 2 month get temtations everytime go for the milk
  6. must take some balls to lay down and let someone hop over you like that though, i can honestly say i wouldnt let anyone do that to me id shit bricks. unlucky kid though i bet he got some free goodies to go along with the apology
  7. ye its a fixed hub, thank you both for the help much appreciated, ill just get some lithium grease from tarty with my next order
  8. sup peeps, my rear hub needs regreasing so im just wondering is they a certain type of grease that i should use or any recommendations?
  9. worst iv had on my trials bike is smashed up right shin.. but on bmx before i started trials i tryed a jump but the landing ramp mud was too soft and front wheel dug in n i flipped forwards and face planted.. had shortage of breath coughing up blood for bout 2 hours bt dent go to hospital because it stopped after a while lol
  10. i dont think they make that much of a diffirence. i think curved only give you a extra inch wheel base or sumat, so really i reckon its down to what looks better and i think curved look far better..
  11. loving the bike man, ive never actualy heard of rulon but its looks sweet.. might have to look into 1 of those frames when its time for me to get a new frame.
  12. Try-All sticky front and back.. the grip you get with them is immense..
  13. hey people, The names Arron im 19 year old live in huddersfield/brighouse been riding for about 2 month now.. and i ride a koxx on the roxx.. much love!
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