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Everything posted by Frempt92

  1. Too late. I got a T-Bird with Maguras, for £150 I can't stress enough that I can't spend anymore money! I'm trying to save up to buy a car when I'm 17, and I can't afford to keep spending £300+ on Bikes, Laptop, etc.
  2. I just learned how to sidehop today All I do it slowly go onto my backwheel, then when I've got my balance, hop and move to the side. Not really descriptive I know
  3. I'm bidding on a T-Bird on Ebay. I'm not gonna post a link incase someone sees it and decides to outbid me
  4. Cool, cheers. I'll probably have a go of a 26" tommorrow. I've already tried 20" and I quite liked it. Anyway I'd best be getting off to bed see you all tommorrow.
  5. Hey. I want to start trials, and I can't really decide if I should go 20" or 26". I'm about 6ft 1in tall (not sure if that is an issue) I'm hoping to either sell my Specilised P-One or swap for something. Anyone got a suggestion as to what is the way to go? Cheers.
  6. Does anybody want to swap a decent begginers 20" Trials bike for my Specialised P-One? Also willing to sell it for £250 (offers accepted) It has some modifications, post if you're interested. James.
  7. Hey guys. Just joined earlier today, I'm looking to buy a new bike and possibaly sell my old one. I've got a Specialised P-One '07 with Prison R bar and stem, which is currently up for sale (£300 o.n.o) I want to get a trials bike, hence the reason to me joining up here, and I'm looking to spend £100-£200 on one. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys. James.
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