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Posts posted by shamus

  1. The books are pretty cheesy, but i don't think any have been made into films, although i read them years ago. In the film is the guy on the right the main character, some kind of hero? and the person on the left some downbeat character who has no money?

    Dunno why i ask, just the 'pay it fowards' jumped out, only ever seen it in a lee child book before!

  2. Ferrari make their standard cars super fast, but have a limited track appeal IMO (unless your spunking millions on your trackday fun

    The Porsche has a race series pedigree and, in my opinion, much more appeal to a true track racer. I'll never have enough money to compare either so I'll never know, but I'd take the Porsche presonally.

    I think the whole raw appeal of the porsches' backwards design and simplicity appeals to me somehow, the design is an underdog, plucky and flawed but still punching above it's weight, the Merc and Ferrari are other worldly including their price-tags!

  3. so everyone in the street is clearing the snow from there door steps etc, but i hate people like the following, our neighbour down the road apparently had a bit of snow slide of there roof so they came up to ask dad if he could clear it especially for them when he was doing some soveling in the street, he did that with protest and came back 5 mins later and said it was a tiny amount and the same amount of snow as we all had. the thing that annoys me is that they are younger and fitter than dad and they just cant be assed with it so boss someone else to do there solveling and make it seem so bad.......... apparently it was scary to watch a bit of snow slide of there roof. people these days!

    Break one of their windows, then they'll stop worrying about the roof and get some perspective!!

  4. awesome lad's, I really appreciate this!

    If the thread drops out of life I might Pm y'all, but hopefully I'll be able to ressurect it!

    Details to follow!!

    edit (sp)

  5. cheers guy's!!

    I'm going to have a kerfuddle with the gang and see what specifics and intentions we can come up with. It's ideal that you're all able to give first hand info/advice.

    I'll probably be on again to get some direct info on conditions nearer the time!!

    We're all fairly experienced and fit, or nearly fit for some of them :P

    I'll probably be on in the next day or two anyway to fire an idea across and see what shakes down!!

    Lewis, am I right in assuming you're from Inverness? or Fort William?? we stayed in fort bill last year when we did Nevis and tried the Steel

  6. Alright people, around march every year a few old mates and I travel to the Highlands for a week of walks and generally larking about.

    Wondered if anyone could suggest any good places to look for walks/hiking?

    Last year over the weekend of the 17th (I think), we did Ben Nevis, most of Loch Ness, part of the ring of steel, oh and popped up to Skye . Thing is, we haven't got any serious kit anymore, just standard hiking kit not proper mountain gear. (we should be okay on Everest but Ring of Steel forced us back due to lacking crampons/harnesses etc)

    So looking for realistic routes bearing in mind we're going in mid march.

    Cheers in advance!

  7. It's a small new firm called EDS, we're consultants so most of that sort of stuff is handled by our employer, usually the contractor.

    Although we normally use Yeandle Geotechnics if you've heard of them? Tend to get pretty decent and thorough stuff back but give us a company name and I'll throw it about at work see if anything shakes down.

  8. Civil engineering, but I guess the domestic market. So far this week I've worked on tender designs for a police station, two domestic buildings, a school and a library.

    We mainly work with steel (boss is a genius and has a few big analysis projects justifying WWII aircraft hangers for the MOD) but I'm being trained to take over the civils side of the office eventually.

    I agree with you for the work/pay ratio, we have a huge responsibility, need a uni degree and the associated debt, yet I know people who get more then I do, just for doing unskilled work in a factory at night. :blink:

    Didn't know you were an engineer steve? How would you classify your work?

  9. Take eggs with a few tiny/rough holes poked in them, place in boots. watch with innocent faces when friend/flatmate puts boots on. (they need holes in them otherwise they don't break easily enough.

    or remove the layer of foam in a chair, replace with smelly stuff, (again we used eggs with little holes in them) replace cover over eggs and make sure it's the only chair your victim can use.

  10. I don't think he was actually holding Alonso (or Webber for that matter) up that much though. Neither showed any real commitment to making a proper move on Petrov and he just seemed to be pretty much as quick as both of the title contenders.

    Before he went in for tyres he was lapping faster then Petrov. Another example would be Hamilton, after he was released from Kubica his pace rocketed.

    I think Alonso had more pace, just not quite enough to get the jump as the track doesn't lend itself to it. However Petrov was nailing that exit onto the long straight, Alonso was never got a sniff of a move even by the braking point. Petrov DID drive a brilliant race and it was great seeing another driver mixing it up with the big guns. But he didn't have the raw pace of the Mclarens or Vettel and I still believe that had Alonso or Webber the got the jump, they would've quickly pulled away from the Renault

  11. Petrov's finest hour.

    I was actually giggling with glee everytime the 'double world champion' tried a move on the young Petrov and got nowhere! It was a joy to watch a championship win slowly slowly slip through his tantrum fisted grasp!! That dude needs a seat next year just to ruin Alonso's year again :giggle: Having said that, had that been Hamilton/Button/Vettel/Webber I'd have been calling him a 'rolling roadblock' like I did Schumacer earlier in the season.

  12. compromise >>>> 306 1.9 TDi

    Got a quote the other day pretending to be 17 with no NCB or experience, on my own for £1100.

    (In reailty at 21 with no NCB, as I've ridden motorbike's since passing my test at 17, I got given a quote of £689)

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