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Jack spalding

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Everything posted by Jack spalding

  1. hi is that danny? was wondering if you're still interested in zone zip? got pics and still 200

  2. For a singlespeed, You'll need to remove the rear derailleur which you'll need an allen key for. You may also need a new singlespeed chain (kmc are pretty handy), so you'll need a chain delinker to remove spare links. Then with the derailleur out the way you'll need to remove the rear wheel and remove the cassette using a cassette tool. Take one of the small cogs from the cassette depending on what ratio you'll need depending on the amount of teeth on the front chain ring. Then using cassette spacers you can securely fix the single cog in place. i.e [ = spacer [[*[[ * = cog Then with the cog securely fixed and the cassette ring screwed back on that parts sorted. Then you'll need a singlespeed roller, which goes in place of where the derailleur was. Get the chain as tight as possible without having it too tight (so the train runs smoothly), then put it through the roller and tighten it up. TOOLS: chain delinker cassette tool allen keys something to remove the wheel bolts with - allen/ spanners. PARTS: Singlespeed chain roller cassette spacers single cog (which can be nabbed from original cassette) Hope that is of some help. Quite hard to explain without showing!
  3. Yeah, definately tensile. In all the time I've had the tensile, it rarely skips and never had any other problems with it. Pretty cheap compared to buying something like a profile hub, yet pretty similar performance (in my experience anyways).
  4. Heya I've not been in Hull all that long and was wondering if there are any local riders near me. I've not got my trials with me for this year but I'm out and about bmxing. want to get to know where the spots are to ride... I live around the university, on beverly road if theres anyone closeby thats up for a ride (bearing in mind I'm quite new to bmxing) give me a shout! Cheers Jack
  5. I've found to 4-bolt to be a bit less flexy (not a huge difference) but they're a pain in the backside when it comes to adjusting your brakes. I don't think there really isn't much between them though to be honest (price maybe).
  6. I've used both and I personally found the browns to be amazing on a smooth rim, with or without tar. I quite liked reds as well, but I didn't find them as solid locking as the the browns, so I often had to use tar. But it could just have been because of the different set-ups I had at the time. (2 different bikes).
  7. Hi everyone! I'm Jack and I'm 19. I come from around Lincolnshire near boston. I'm a student so I also live in Hull for most of my time. I am usually bmxing at the moment because my trials is sitting at home and the trails I go to are too wet for dirt jumping! I ride a zona zip for trials, a dmr sidekick for dirt jumping and a wethepeople reason bmx! I've only just got into bmxing, so I'm still learning mostly the basics, but trials and dirt jump have given me a solid base to start! my other interests include electric guitar, squash, badminton and the gym. Speak to you all soon!
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