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Posts posted by gazmaz03

  1. its pitbull! PITBULL

    Yeah have you spelt that wrong on purpose or are you just messing about, not heard anything about brake bosses braking. I'm sure if there was then there would be a post about it on here, try searching for the topic.

    Gaz (Y)

  2. Right i've done some searches etc and tried a few things suggested but still cant find a solution to my problem :-

    I currently run a koxx rim with brown or red koxx bloxx (have both) and a maggie bled with water.

    What ever pads I use the brake just fails to have any look or bite and just makes a silly swoosh/hissing noise ;)

    The pads hit absolutely square to the rim and has no flex so i cant see the problem. Also I put a new grind on today and it is mega sharp because after a quick spin round the garden the koxx pads were covered in pad dust (i will sand down the grind a little I think otherwise i will have no pad at all lol)

    So what can I do to get decent performance from my brake?

    the Koxx team must run this set up so what is their secret :S

    Cheers Gavin :)

    I no the answer for this all you need is a XT lever and a XTR arms and you will have your self a v-brake, ow and heatsink pads too.

    Don't really no about HS33s but i do no that koxx blocs aren't that good, maybe you should try different brake pads see what happens then, just a thought.

    Gaz (Y)

  3. Secret%20Nuclear%20Bunker.jpg

    see the brown bit...that's where i'm going!! lol ;)"

    To be onist I just ride Trials for fun, not bothered what other people like to ride some people ride just rock that fine by me, I want to ride rocks this year get into it and get comps started.

    Matt-its not really a secret now it tells you where it is "Secret Nuclear Bunker" (Y)

    Gaz :S

  4. Taking colour co-ordniation to another level (Y)

    Yeah it is a good thing that they changed your frame even though it too " two months ". I have never used Bikedock before always use chainreactioncycles.

    Nice bike you really are mixing the colours, mine is all black ;) . How did you snap the frame looks like you just cut the middle out?

    Gaz :S

  5. Not my sort of bike sorry mate, looks like the front wheel is allot smaller then the back :S

    I bet it would ride better with a different bar and stem, I do not no anybody that has those stems and bars anymore.

    If you like it then fair play.

    Gaz (Y)

  6. Just a quick post before I go to bed, well me and my dad was sitting in the car today and we both had a packet of Walkers crips ( yes they are very nice ) which had less then half a bag in them. Sorry but I think that they are a rip off now (N)

    Anybody else notice this.

    Gaz :angry:

  7. After a hour of waiting I finally watched it. Very good sweet moves the best bit would of have to be at the end some very bid gaps, nicest bit I thought was off the rock the the back of the bench. Will be waiting for the next video.

    Gaz (N) :angry:

  8. Mine is stuck on 90% (N)

    Yeah mine has got stuck on a really low percentage I only got ab9out 28 seconds (N) . Saying that quite alot of you have seen the video I am suprised that nobody has put it onto Shack yet please hurry.

    Gaz :angry:

  9. :angry:

    Another thing that may cuase a problem is that if you have an xt or xtr lever one of the little widgets may be loose. (The ones that you take in and out to change the feel of the lever.)

    Im not sure but I think I no what you are on about are they two little black things.?


  10. Could be a number of things:

    The cable tension is too slack causing the big end bit of the cable to not sit in the holder

    The spring in the lever is loose/wobbly/come out of place

    The cable is frayed and the frayed bits are crunching in the cable end

    The bolt that holds the lever arm in is loose

    those are my best guesses anyway.

    Thanks for your help I will have a look at it tomorrow now because I am abit :) , I never thought about my cable being to slack.

    Cheers Gaz :)

  11. I think everyone noes that Leeson 24" is allot better made from a better material ( I think so anyway ) which makes it allot stronger ( reynolds ). Also I think they look allot nicer and then are inbetween 20" and 26", very streety though can do comps on them only some though.

    T-pro well from what I no about them is that they snap very often I think my mate is on his third ( thought he would of been cleaver to go out and get a different frame but instead he throws Super cycles £80 every time :) ) which is not good.

    Sorry hate T-pro`s

    Also you can pay £400 for just the leeson frame which is a good choice or you cold get a T-pre whole bike for the same price......................... I no what i woulds go for begins with L

    Gaz :)

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